Refinery Church



WE ARE REFINERY - A 21st century church that values FAITH-FAMILY-FUN. Striving to become the people, families & community that God has created us to be. Join us live Saturday nights at 5:30P on the corner of Brea Blvd. and Ash St. in downtown Brea.


  • Time Priorities

    15/01/2020 Duración: 44min

    Time Priorities by REFINERY Church

  • Piercing The Darkness

    20/12/2019 Duración: 39min

    Piercing The Darkness by REFINERY Church

  • Light of the World

    18/12/2019 Duración: 37min

    Light is an amazing and essential component of life on earth. It was the “thing”, on earth, created by God. The benefits and qualities that we experience with physical light are the same things that we experience spiritually when we follow Jesus and make Him our Lord. In the beginning of time, God created the heavens and earth and said “let there be light.” Later in the New Testament, Jesus declared Himself as “The Light of The World” - John 8:12. Light has amazing characteristics and qualities. Those same qualities of light can be seen in “the light of the world” (Jesus). The similarities are seen in the following: 1-“Light Reveals Truth”. 2-”Light Exposes Dirt”. 3-”Light Shows the Way”. At Christmas time we proclaim that the light is here. It is the reality and realization of Jesus Christ and the Hope He brings to a dark world.

  • JESUS is Friend

    27/11/2019 Duración: 44min

    JESUS is Friend by REFINERY Church

  • JESUS is the Bread of Life

    27/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    JESUS is the Bread of Life by REFINERY Church

  • Jesus Is Life

    23/10/2019 Duración: 44min

    Jesus Is Life by REFINERY Church

  • Jesus is THE Way

    16/10/2019 Duración: 35min

    Jesus is THE Way by REFINERY Church

  • Jesus is Present

    09/10/2019 Duración: 37min

    Jesus is Present by REFINERY Church

  • JESUS: Who do you say I am?

    02/10/2019 Duración: 40min

    JESUS: Who do you say I am? by REFINERY Church

  • Power of Words

    25/09/2019 Duración: 42min

    Guest Speaker "Pastor Dan Fernandez" shares with us about the Power of Words.

  • Waiting Time

    25/09/2019 Duración: 42min

    Life happens in seasons. There is a reason for each season and a purpose in the process. During each season we experience times of “waiting” that can test our patience, persistence and faith. But it’s during these times of “waiting” that God does the most work on growing us into the person He has created and called us to be. As we go through life seasons, we are challenged when it appears that nothing is happening. We work hard and see little results for our efforts. We experience dry times in a relationship. We wonder if there is more to the “dead-end” job that we are doing. These are the “waiting” times in each season. They are difficult and test our faith. But we discover in the Bible that we can do 3 things during the “waiting” that will help us thrive forward. Those things are REFLECT, REMIND, and REJOICE. Active waiting will result in stronger faith and more joy-filled seasons. “But those who WAIT on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not

  • Life’s Seasons

    25/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    Life’s Seasons by REFINERY Church

  • Scattered

    28/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    Scattered by REFINERY Church

  • Unshakable Prayer

    28/08/2019 Duración: 44min

    How do I pray? This is a question that has been asked in each generation. Also, is it possible to see real results when I pray? The answer is yes. The Bible give clear instruction on how to pray in a way that sees powerful results. Daniel’s example give us practical keys to prayer that we can use during times of chaos and crisis. Daniel’s life was marked by an unshaken faith in the face of chaos and crisis. On many occasions, he is threatened with loss of job, reputation and life if he did not compromise his convictions. He demonstrates the principles and practice that sustained him and brought peace and deliverance into every situation. That practice is daily prayer. We discover in Chapter 9 that Daniel had 5 Key-Prayer-Points that he used when facing overwhelming challenges. Those points are: LISTENING-FOCUSING-BEING REAL-BEING THANKFUL-CONFESSING.

  • Faith-filled Courage

    28/08/2019 Duración: 41min

    How can we practically experience promotion even during turbulent and chaotic times? Daniel shows us by his example that there are practical and spiritual factors that affect our promotion and advancement in life. When we faithfully and courageously hold to these Biblical principles, we will see God do miracles in our relationships and life endeavors. In the OT Book of Daniel chapter 6 we catch up with Daniel in his older and wiser years. But the pressure is still on to compromise He demonstraes practical and spiritual principles that result in supernatural miracles. In this teaching we see three ways that he was a “stand-out” and three ways he maintained faith-filled courage in the face of ridicule and persecutio

  • Unshakable Benefits

    28/08/2019 Duración: 48min

    Is it possible to have the faith needed stand up for righteousness? It is when we remember that there are benefits and rewards to those who remain unshaken in their faith. Each day our convictions, integrity and faith are tested. But, when we pass those test by standing up for God’s Ways, we experinece blessings, deliverance and miracles. Tests can help us to grow if we look for the benefits that come from pressing through and pressing on in faith. We learn from the OT Book of Daniel how to face challenges and take a stand for righteousness. In Chapter 6, we see that Daniel experienced 4-benfits from not compromising his values and beliefs, even in the face of of a life-and-death situation. The benefits we can experiences when we take a stand for God are: VICTORY OVER FEAR - STRONGER FAITH - MIRACLES - POSTIVE EXAMPLE TO OTHERS.

  • Beat The Heat

    24/07/2019 Duración: 44min

    What do you do when you are in a crisis? Are you able to see beyond the pain to the big picture? Are you able to look to God for answers? When we go through crisis/pressure, God can work in and through these painful situation to deliver us, grow us and strengthen our faith. We only have to strive to have unshakable faith to get us through fire and “Beat The Heat.” The OT Book of Daniel chapter 3 shows us how to face times of crisis. Three of Daniel’s friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were thrown into a blazing furnace because they would not compromise their values and beliefs. But through their crisis, we see God miraculously deliver them and show us how we can trust Him do the same for us. We can “Beat The Heat” of a life crisis by remembering these 4 faith facts: GOD WILL WALK WITH ME - GOD WILL BURN OFF WHAT TIES ME DOWN - GOD WILL MAKE SURE I AM UNHARMED - IT WILL BRING UNBELIEVERS TO GOD.

  • When the heat is on (Part 1)

    17/07/2019 Duración: 40min

    Have you ever felt the pressure of a deadline, the pressure of expectation at work, at home, or the pressure of peers? Pressure is real but doesn’t have to cause us to be shaken. When the “heat is on” we can look to God’s Word to see how to face life’s pressures. There are practical ways found in Daniel chapter 3 that gives us confidence to stand up to pressure and remain unshaken. The OT Book of Daniel chapter 3 shows us how to face life’s pressures. Three of Daniel’s friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were pressured by the leaders of their society to compromise their values, convictions and faith. We see that the same things that happened then are happening today in our culture. But their examples show us how we can withstand the pressure and experience God’s miraculous provision and protections. In this message, Pastor Kelly shows how we can face life’s pressures when the “heat is on”.

  • Responding not Reacting

    22/06/2019 Duración: 34min

    What do you do when somebody in authority asks you to violate your conscience, do something you know is wrong, do something you know would be disobedient to what God says to do? You need to know how to make an appeal. You need to know how to make your case by “responding not reacting.” Proverb 22:29, “If you do your job well, leaders will notice and you will serve before kings.” In this podcast, Pastor Kelly explores the way Daniel responded to his authority when challenged to compromise his values and beliefs. He gives five practical ways that we can respond to the authorities in our own lives such as the teach, boss, or supervisor. Those five ways are: 1. Pause & Pray, 2. Build a Good =Reputation, 3. Take the Humble Route, 4. Don’t Decieve, 5. Choose Time-Place-Words.

  • The Pressure Test

    22/06/2019 Duración: 52min

    It has been said that when the “pressure” is on, whatever is on the inside will come out. It’s true. Pressure tests our character and integrity. In the same way that fire tests the integrity of metals, our character is tested daily. But when we pass the test, we are strengthen like metal that has been put through the forge. In this podcast, Pastor Kelly shows how God can work through life’s pressures to strengthen us and prepare us for increased blessings, promotions, and opportunities. It’s says in Proverbs 17:3; “Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart.” God tests 3 area of our heart to determine if we are ready for the outflow of blessing. Those areas are: Integrity, Discipline and Courage. In the end we find out that “Testing leads to blessing.”

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