Refinery Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 64:15:58
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WE ARE REFINERY - A 21st century church that values FAITH-FAMILY-FUN. Striving to become the people, families & community that God has created us to be. Join us live Saturday nights at 5:30P on the corner of Brea Blvd. and Ash St. in downtown Brea.


  • God Works Through The Shaking

    29/05/2019 Duración: 37min

    Every day, we face a storm of challenges personally and as culture. But God is not unaware. He can and will work through the shaking to develop us into the person He has created us to be. It is a cliché but it is true: there is no gain without pain. There is no maturity without growing pains. And the very thing that discourages us is the very thing that God is using to develop us. In this podcast, Pastor Kelly show that there are 4 sources of “shaking” that influence our lives. Through all of it God can work for our good if we respond with faith and trust. God’s desire for us is that we are not just surfing in life, but actually thriving. He will use the shaking times to correct us, direct us and perfect us, if we let Him. Romans 8:28 says, “we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

  • Intro to Daniel

    22/05/2019 Duración: 37min

    Every day, we face a storm of challenges personally and as culture. It seems the values that create a healthy society have been turned upside down & inside out. Marriages, families and moral values are being “shaken”. But God gives us a way to live that promises a life above the chaos. No matter how bad things get in a rapidly changing world and even in a decaying culture..., He says, “I want you thrive.” In this podcast, Pastor Kelly begins a series of messages that will give people tools they need to thrive even during times of uncertainty, insecurity, and unrest. The series examines the life of Daniel, from the Old Testament, who lived during a time when it was not popular to worship the One True God. He faced pressure, mistreatment and rejection, yet he experienced significant success even in the midst of turmoil. He demonstrated how to live with peace and confidence even when surrounded by chaos.

  • Sharable pt. 2

    10/05/2019 Duración: 26min

    God wants to bless you so that you can be a blessing. God wants to work in and through each person. He causes us to be Fruitful so that we can share that fruit with others. The same hope, peace and salvation that we find in Christ, is what’s needed by our friends, neighbors and community. They need Jesus and Jesus needs you. In this podcast, Pastor Kelly examines the story of true friends found in Luke chapter 5. A few people brought their hurting friend to Jesus. When he met Jesus he was forgiven and healed. The man’s physical need AND eternal life were transformed that day because of some friends who were willing to share their time, reputation and efforts to bring him to Jesus. We are challenged to go and do the same - take courage and bring our friends to Jesus.

  • Sharable

    10/05/2019 Duración: 34min

    God made us to “BE FRUITFUL” and He wants us to use the FRUIT we receive from Him in same way as FRUIT from trees. Our “FRUIT” is intended as spiritual food for others. For the nourishment of their very souls. It’s not meant to be left on the branches of our lives. Instead it suppose to be shared with others. In this message, Pastor Kelly talks about the importance of sharing the fruit that God produces in our lives. There are millions of spiritually starving people all around. They’re hungry for more that the “junk food” that the world has to offer – full of empty calories – they want something real and organic. When people get to taste and see what God has done in your life then they will want some too. Psalm 34:8 “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the person who trusts in Him!” (NKJV)

  • Abide

    03/04/2019 Duración: 48min

    God made us to live a productive life. He told us to “BE FRUITFUL.” Jesus illustrates this principle with a picture of a grape vine. He is the vine and we are the branches. When we ABIDE in Him we will produce much fruit. If we ABIDE (remain) in Jesus Christ we will live a productive, significant and fruitful life. But what does it mean to ABIDE? Abiding is more about being than doing. Abiding is more about an intimate relationship than a friendly acquaintance. Abiding is more about faithful dedication than causal convenience. To ABIDE means to make Jesus Christ our home, the center of our life.

  • Lift Up

    03/04/2019 Duración: 23min

    God made us to “BE FRUITFUL.” He wants our lives to be productive and significant. Jesus Christ emphasizes this through his teaching commonly referred to as “The Vine and the Branches” found in the Gospel of John Chapter 15. At times there is no fruit. But, Jesus give us encouragement on how to get into a positon to bear “much fruit.” In this brief message, Pastor Kelly speak on an often misunderstood passage of scripture that reveals that God is not looking for a way to “cut you off” or “cut you out” if your life is seemly fruit-less. Instead we discover that God is looking for a way to clean and lift up each “branch” so that it can produce tons of fruit. This illustration helps us understand God’s heart and the way we can get “clean.” God’s desire is that we would experience His abundant life and be free from the “dirt” and “mud” that sometimes coats our hearts.

  • Much Fruit

    16/03/2019 Duración: 39min

    God made us to live a productive life. He told us to “BE FRUITFUL.” Jesus illustrates this principle with a picture of a grape vine. He is the vine and we are the branches. When we abide in Him we will produce MUCH FRUIT. Jesus illustrates what it means to “be fruitful” with the picture of a grape vine. He concludes that He is the vine, we are the branches (drawing life and nourishment) and if we abide (remain) in Him we will produce much fruit. But apart from Him we can do NOTHING (Or what we do will amount to NOTHING). A productive, significant and fruitful life is found in Jesus Christ.

  • Juicy Fruit - Series Intro

    08/03/2019 Duración: 25min

    Since the beginning of time, humanity has been created to be extraordinary. God never intended for us to simply exist. God made us to live a productive life and “BE FRUITFUL.” The account of our beginning is found in Genesis 1. God’s command and instruction to mankind was to “be fruitful and multiply.” Throughout the Bible, the metaphor of fruitfulness is directed to the person who lives a righteous life. Jesus Christ Himself relates fruit and trees to those that call him Lord and savior. "The tree is know by it's fruit." (Mt 12:33 & Luke 6:43) Jesus made it possible for us to return to God’s originalintent to “BE FRUITFUL.”

  • Hard & Rocky

    01/03/2019 Duración: 34min

    The human heart is like soil. God gives his Word, like seed, to produce life. A hard & rocky heart will hinder the affects of His Word. But there are ways to soften a hardened heart. In our continued exploration of Jesus’ parable found in Mark Chapter 4, we discover that there are different types of soil that affect root development and growth. HIs Word is like seed and the human heart is the soil by which it is planted. There are elements that harden a heart such as an Unthankful & Critical Attitude, Unforgivenss, Bitterness, and Jealousy. These things are like concrete in our hearts. Troubles of life are like rocks hindering root growth. God offers a way to softed a hard & rocky heart Isaiah 44:3 “For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children.” The Holy Spirit softens a hard heart like water on hardpack

  • Fertile Soil

    23/02/2019 Duración: 37min

    God’s Word is like seed planted in the heart of mankind. Fertile soil has the best conditions for fruitfulness. There are 3 ways to foster a fertile heart that results in seeing God’s promises come to pass in our lives: Tilling, Fertilizing, and Watering. In this final look at one of Jesus’ parable found in Mark Chapter 4, “The Sower”, we see that fertile soil yields crops of harvest 30, 60 even 100 times what is planted. Like fertile soil, a heart that is receptive to God’s Word will produce a harvest of blessings. There are 3 ways to foster a fertile heart; 1. Till The Soil (Pride vs. Humility) Proverbs 3:34 2. Fertilize The Soil (Trials, Tests) James 1:2-4 3. Water The Soil (Meditating on God’s Word) Joshua 1:8 Good soil will produce good fruit. It can result in 100% of God’s Word to coming to pass in our lives. Our responsibility is to work the soil of the heart to be fertile and receptive.

  • The Thorns

    16/02/2019 Duración: 37min

    God’s Word is like seed planted in the heart of mankind. Soil full of weeds and thorns will choke out and hinder fruitfulness. The thorns of the heart are worry, fear, and doubt. But there are ways to combat the thorns for a fruitful life. In the ongoing study of Jesus’ parable found in Mark Chapter 4, we find that the four types of soil He mentions, yield differing crops and harvests. The thorny soil represents worries of life and the distractions of wealth that interfere with the fruitfulness of God’s Word and choke out our growing faith. His desire is that would be be people of faith, which means completely trusting Him to intervene in life’s problems and provision. When we demonstrate an authentic faith, then we will experience the fruitful, abundant life that Jesus promises.

  • The Birds

    26/01/2019 Duración: 33min

    There are forces at work, on a daily bases, trying to keep people for experiencing the “fruitful” lives that God promises in His Word - The Bible.  When we get ahold of God’s Word, we need to hold on to it so it can take root, grow and thrive in our lives. In our continued exploration of Jesus’ parable found in Mark Chapter 4, we discover that there is an adversary that is at work on a daily bases, striving to keep God’s Word from taking root in our heart and producing the fruit of joy, peace, etc. Jesus identifies this adversary and illustrates him as a bird who swoops down to steal seed before it can be established in soil. This teaching gives light to the importance of mediating on the Bible daily so that a person can be exactly who God says he/she can be.

  • The Seed

    19/01/2019 Duración: 39min

    “You will grow what you sow.” The parable Jesus teaches of the farmer who plants (sows) seed is a lesson that is relevant for our lives today. The seed represents God’s Word. If planted in our hearts, daily, will reap a harvest of life. In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 4, Jesus teaches his followers a parable about a farmer who plants (sows) seed and then illustrates the varies degrees of harvest. This parable is used to illustrate the importance of “planting/sowing” God’s Word into our heart on a daily basis. The potential for peace, joy, fulfillment and success in our life, relationships and careers is all found in “the seed” - God’s Word (The Bible). It’s more that a good book or history book or moral book; it is truth and life to those who will take it and apply it to their lives. Prov 4:22 “…for they (God’s Words) are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”

  • The Tree

    12/01/2019 Duración: 28min

    Healthy roots lead to abundant fruit. This is true in pomology (study of fruit trees) and anthropology (study of human life). God created us to live a life that is “fruitful” like a tree. Our “roots” dictate the level of fruitfulness in our lives. Through out the Bible, God uses the tree as an example of a life that is productive, growing and fruitful. In the same way, God has created each person to be productive, growing and fruitful like a healthy tree. Specifically, God is calling REFINERY Church to be like a Hass Avacado tree. In this introductory message, Pastor Kelly begins a series called “ROOTED: A foundation for a better you.” He illustrates that just like a productive, fruitful tree needs healthy roots, people need to strengthen their “roots” to become the person God has created and called them to be. “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.Such trees are not b

  • Be Hope

    21/12/2018 Duración: 17min

    Once we are filled with HOPE, we have the responsibility to share or BE HOPE for our friends, family and community. Part 3 of Hope is Here speaks to the last question: We know where we get HOPE – We know how to stay HOPE-FILLED… what do we do with this HOPE that we have? The apostle Paul l says in Romans 15:13 “May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.” He says that there will be an abundance. And out of that abundance, we can be a source of HOPE for others. The apostle Peter goes on to challenge us to be ready to give an answer for the HOPE that we have as believers (1 Peter3:15). In this message we hear the practical ways to BE HOPE to our friends, family and community.

  • Stay Hope Filled

    08/12/2018 Duración: 24min

    Once we are filled with hope, how do we stay hope filled? The examples of the shepherds in Luke 2 teach us how to stay hopefilled: 1. Lift our heads 2. Adjust our vision 3. Open our mouths Life’s pressures, demands and disappointments seem to suck HOPE away like a candle with no oxygen. The flame of our life can seem to fade as quick as it ignited. So the question becomes, how can we stay hope-filled and keep the flame of our life burning bright. We see in the story of the shepherds found in Luke Chapter 2 that they demonstrate how to stay hope-filled even when the darkness presses in. They *Lifted their heads, then *readjusted their vision, then concluded by *opening their mouths by sharing the testimony of God’s miraclous works. We can learn by their examples how to stay hopeful on a daily basis.

  • God is Near

    30/11/2018 Duración: 24min

    Jesus Christ came to earth to bring hope to humanity. We can be filled with HOPE knowing that we are not alone HOPE IS HERE BECAUSE GOD IS NEAR When Hope is deferred or held back, the heart is made sick (Proverbs 13:12). Today that sickness is felt in discouragement, disappointment and depression. But there is Hope found in the person of Jesus Christ. That is why we celebrate during this Christmas season. Hope that is felt in the very presence of God in our lives. Hope cures the sickness felt by humanity. In Romans 15:13 Paul prays a blessing on His followers “May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Honor Others

    14/11/2018 Duración: 41min

    The greatest commands in the Bible are to “Love God and Love People.” This can be demonstrated by Honoring God and Honoring People. Honoring “others” is simple but not easy. In Romans 12:9-10 we are told: “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Those “others” are; *Family, *Peers, *Friends, *Coworkers, and those; *In our care, *Who serve, *Less Fortunate,*Broken/Hurting. In this message Pastor Kelly discusses 3 simple ways to honor others: 1. Get Real, 2. Esteem, 3. Do Unto

  • Honor Authority

    27/10/2018 Duración: 39min

    Honoring those in authority is a Biblical command with blessing attached. When we honor those in authority, we honor God and we invite his power into our lives It may not be a popular principle, but honoring those in authority is a Biblical command. Jesus and His word, endorse and command that we honor those in authority. He sees it as a demonstration of faith. He gives us an understanding of this in Matthew Chapter 8 when he has a miraculous interaction with a Roman soldier who acknowledges and honors Jesus’ authority. The results are supernatural. When we submit to God’s principles of honoring those who are over us, we too will experience God’s blessings in our lives.

  • Honoring God

    20/10/2018 Duración: 37min

    Jesus teaches us when it comes to honoring God he isn’t so concerned with the actions we take but rather the heart behind the actions. In Matthew 15 we take a look at an interesting interaction between Jesus and Religious leaders of the day. While they were concerned with the traditions of Man and the appearance of honoring God, Jesus points out that their hearts are actually far from God. Jesus is exposing the lies they’ve believed for generations, and shows them that he is the truth.

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