Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • The Church: Surpassing Power - Acts 16

    20/08/2021 Duración: 44min

    The narrative in Acts takes us into a brand new frontier, as Paul and his team move into Europe. It was because of their reliance on and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that they were able to capitalize on this opportunity. Upon arrival to Greece, we see Paul encounter and win multiple people to Christ, all because of his responsiveness to God. Paul's eagerness is the gold standard for every generation's Christian and Church to mimic. He proved both available and malleable, willing and ready for God to take him wherever and do whatever with him so that he might win some to Christ. Paul doesn't waver at following Jesus' commands to prioritize His call and His mission above all else. How could Paul be so committed, even in the face of inconvenience and potential suffering? He was truly convinced that whatever loss would not compare to the surpassing gain in eternity. He believed that even the pressure or pain of suffering would be surpassed by the saving power of God. He began each day with the conviction th

  • The Church: Forever Forward - Acts 15:36-16:10

    17/08/2021 Duración: 46min

    In this section of Acts, we find Paul in one of his most tumultuous seasons of ministry. Paul and his team face several challenges, yet their poise and response through each of them reveals their passionate focus on the Kingdom Cause. In this message, we discuss how Paul was able to avoid setbacks and confusion, and remained in forward motion. We learn how might adopt these same values and apply them in our own ministries.

  • Inevitable: Resurrection Power - Ephesians 4

    17/08/2021 Duración: 51min

    Division is inevitable, and it seems unavoidable in our world. However, we discovered in part one of this series that Jesus was kept awake all night praying that the Church might overcome division and pursue unity. Without unity, we cannot know God fully and will not make Him fully known. The Apostle Paul echoed Jesus' prayer from John 17, and prayed a similar prayer for the Church in Ephesians 3. He prays that we might be filled with the Fullness of God, the Resurrection Presence and Power of God. In chapter 4, he makes clear that to receive this blessing we must pursue unity. Thankfully Paul gives us a practical pathway that will lead us to a place of unity with each other. He shows us the virtues we must choose and cling to in order to see our families, churches and world become more unified. He bases this pathway on the approach that Jesus took in pursuing us. In this message, we are left without excuse as to why we should choose unity and how we might achieve it. Division may be inevitable and impo

  • Inevitable: Long Division - John 17

    17/08/2021 Duración: 48min

    What do you think keeps God up at night? Maybe this seems like a strange question, but just consider - If something could keep Him up at night, that would be a pretty big deal don't you think? We begin a brand new series around this question and looking at the time that Jesus stayed awake all night long, praying about one specific thing. If we are to truly know God and fully make Him know, we must pursue this one thing...

  • For The Kids - Matthew 17:14-21

    03/08/2021 Duración: 37min

    In one of the most overlooked sections of the Gospels, the Disciples repeatedly fumble the ball when given the chance to represent Jesus and lay the groundwork for the Church. Many of these episodes feature their misunderstanding of and contempt for children. They continually miss the point of Jesus' ministry and the desire of His heart. They aren't prepared and aren't willing to do the work to be prepared to minister to the least and smallest in the Kingdom. They actively work against Jesus' intention to reach and bless the least and the smallest. Jesus is none too pleased, and reserves some of His harshest critiques. He calls them "faithless" and "twisted", says they need to be "converted" and "humble themselves", and rebukes their misrepresentation of His heart. Across Matthew 17-19, Jesus makes it very clear: The Kingdom belongs to the least and the smallest. The heartbeat of God is for children. His command over us is that the Church share this passion and compassion for children. Our Churches are on

  • Louder Than Words - John 3

    03/08/2021 Duración: 48min

    We've all heard those famous words of Jesus again and again: "You must be born again." One of Israel's finest religious scholars came to Jesus by night, hoping to find insight about encountering God and overcoming sin. He never expected to hear these words. Jesus made it clear, that while our sin didn't prevent us from coming to God, we must experience a new birth to enter God's family. However, Jesus wasn't preaching salvation by obedience. He was proclaiming salvation as a gift. He goes on to say, "The Son of Man must be lifted up...". For God so loved the world, that He gave the world a gift - The Gift of Salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus. By trusting in Him, we experience a New Birth, and take on a brand new way of life. Our New Life is Eternal Life - Rich and Full of God's presence and power. With this new life comes new desires and passions... new "musts". The New Testament goes on to tell the story of how those that followed Jesus totally embraced this new and better pathway. We

  • The Church: Not Difficult - Acts 15

    29/07/2021 Duración: 46min

    In Acts 15, Paul's evangelistic efforts are being criticized and challenged by a certain sect of the Church. This faction is concerned that the Church is being too lenient on Gentiles who are coming to Christ. Were they simply to be entrusted into God's hands, without forcing them to conform to certain religious traditions? Wasn't that a risky thing to do? Was Jesus and His Grace enough? The Jerusalem Council convened to sort through this controversy. Paul, Peter and James all take the stand to defend the Gospel, and set a precedent for the Church follow. They all unanimously agree that the only thing that will make a difference is God's Grace. They conclude that truth communicated graciously will clean hearts, build faith and change lives. Therefore, the Church must not let anything hinder the grace of God from being communicated and expressed through all that it says and does. What would it look like for the Church to follow James' ruling in Acts 15:19, that we not make it difficult for those who are tur

  • Your Word: The Greatest Promise - Psalm 119:76

    29/07/2021 Duración: 47min

    When someone gives us their word, they are promising something to us. In that same vein, Psalm 119 tells us that God's Word is His Promise to us. From every historical account to commandment, from prophecies to parables, every Word from God conveys His Promise-Making and Promise-Keeping nature. From His Word, we learn that He is a God who intervenes in our lives, shows us His will and plan, and strengthens us. David praises God for His Promises, and gives us incredible incite as to how God is always trying to emphasize His Promises as greater than anything else. David sees his afflictions has being purposed and ordained by God to cause his affection for God's Word to grow. David’s confession in Psalm 119:67 and 71 reflects this conviction. As we are driven from the world to God's Word, we find relief and perspective that we may have never obtained otherwise. Are you allowing God to teach you and tend to you in your afflictions? The devil wants us to give in and give up, but God calls us to look up. Ope

  • The Church: Only Grace - Acts 15

    23/07/2021 Duración: 50min

    Acts 15 is without a doubt one of the most important chapters of the Bible. For new or potential believers, it offers encouragement and hope. For established believers, it reminds us of our salvation and informs us in our evangelism. It also puts into context both Old and New Testaments, giving us clarity and insight in how to read and understand the whole Bible. You'd think a chapter that does all of this would be more renown and referenced, but that isn't the case. It features the Church is at a place of deep division, with the soul of the movement being on the line. In this message, we delve into the debate between Grace and Religion. The precedents established in this chapter should continue to guide the Church in our day: From what we rely on for salvation, to how we treat new believers, to how we act towards outsiders. Needless to say, Acts 15 is a required reading for every Christian.

  • Your Word: Our Portion - Psalm 119:57-61

    20/07/2021 Duración: 46min

    Psalm 119 does a remarkable job at lifting up God’s Word, mainly by telling us that it is the Greatest Resource available and accessible to us. We have more access to and supplements for God’s Word than any previous generation, yet we don’t lean on it enough. David’s writings in stanzas 3-8 make reveal how much more of a mistake that is, by telling us that God’s Word is our Greater Portion. By definition, a portion refers to a share or an inheritance. Our portion is our piece of the pie, if you will. God’s Word reveals to us all that we have all been assigned and awarded the same portion from God. All of the truths, promises, revelation and inspiration are given to every reader… to every believer. Sadly the majority of Christians just scratch the surface of what’s been given to us. By reading the Gospels, Jesus calls us to go deeper and wider with our faith. He by no means ever envisioned or endorsed a version of the Kingdom of God where only some believers arrive at their full inheritance. Yet, so many l

  • The Church: An Indelible Impact - Acts 14:5-23

    16/07/2021 Duración: 44min

    Indelible is defined as making a mark that cannot be erased or that is simply unforgettable. It's safe to say that the Church in Acts definitely made an indelible impact on their world. The Apostles were committed to being a force for the Kingdom of God in their generation, and were faithful to the playbook left behind by Jesus. In Acts 14, we can clearly see that the Church was sticking close to the words of Jesus. As they faced persecution, they endured and refused to allow any rejection to dishearten them or derail their mission. As recipients and bearers of Good News, they had more than enough reason to press on. In this message, we unpack the Church's evangelistic spirit, and consider how we might learn from and implement their strategies into our own ministries.

  • Your Word: Breath of God - Psalm 119

    14/07/2021 Duración: 48min

    Psalm 119 is a love-letter to God's Word. It's a remarkable work of art, utilizing the Hebrew language to express gratitude for God's revealed and inspired truth. Its purpose is to create within us a passion and desire for the Word, and increase our reliance on it. As a resource, the Bible is the greatest we can ever lay our hands on. Whether leather-bound or on a screen, the Bible is the Breath of God on a page. His Spirit moves from page to person, when we read with an open heart and mind. In this message, we discuss why we can trust the Bible as God's Word, and why indeed it is the greatest resource available to us. We unpack what it reveals about God and how it can inspire difference in our lives. There is an exclusive blessing for those who trust and obey God's Word. If we want our lives to be best, in every avenue imaginable, we will seek and follow the advice revealed in the Bible.

  • Extraordinary - Galatians 5:13-15

    04/07/2021 Duración: 49min

    4% That's how much of this world's population calls America its home. The blessings we know, are truly extraordinary, and they can be so good that it's easy to forget that few have ever or will ever experience what we do. This isn't simply true from a material perspective, but from the ideals and virtues we celebrate and have access to. The things that seem self-evident to us - love, value, equality and freedom - are not of this world. In this message, we trace the principles of our country back to their starting point, and consider how we got here. We come to terms with our great blessings as a people, and our equally great responsibility. We have an extraordinary opportunity every day to make the most of the virtues and gifts we enjoy each day. Both the words of Paul and Jesus loom large over us today, with a charge to use our lives for the Glory of God and the growth of His Kingdom.

  • The Church: A Better Belonging - Acts 14:1-7

    01/07/2021 Duración: 44min

    Acts 14 is a major milestone and threshold in Church history. In our series and study so far in Acts, we've witnessed the lead-up to this pivotal moment. For years the church wrestled with their mandate to spread beyond Judea and begin welcoming Gentiles into their community. The church plant at Antioch finally made this a reality, and from Acts 13 onward, the Apostles set course to evangelize the known world. Alas as Acts 14 begins, Luke tells us that the Gospel was beginning to reach as many Gentiles as it was Jews. The chapter begins by telling us that BOTH a great multitude of Jews AND Greeks were trusting in Jesus. It's hard to overstate how huge this moment would have been. A spin-off of Judaism, led by Jews, preaching from Jewish Scriptures about the Jewish God was now making a sizable impact amongst an audience that had zero context for their message. This, of course is an obvious testament to the inclusiveness of the Gospel, but also an insight into how God's plans from the beginning. In this mes

  • Souls: Awakening - John 1:14-18

    29/06/2021 Duración: 48min

    Our souls all carry wounds that frustrate and hold us back. Every day we are often reminded of these - our minds grow weary and our hearts lose strength. The Bible reveals to us that our souls are all crying out and seeking out a real relationship with God, to obtain true salvation. John succinctly proclaims that Jesus is the Savior we're looking for, giving us Truth and Grace from God. If we need direction, His truth will guide us. If we need determination, His grace will empower us. If we will follow Jesus, we will find both clarity and conviction. In this message, we open up about our soul's wounded nature and turn to Jesus for refuge and rest. We look at John's Gospel at a powerful story about our reluctance to admit our true need and the promise that awaits us if we choose to follow Jesus.

  • The Church: Game Face - Acts 13:13-52

    25/06/2021 Duración: 46min

    In Acts 13, we witness Paul in his element: On the mission field doing whatever it takes to spread the Gospel. Right out of the gate, his team suffers a setback with the departure of John Mark. How Paul responds and presses on gives us a remarkable look at his passion and determination. In this message, we discuss our individual responsibility to carry out our obedience to the Lord, regardless of how well others may cooperate. Paul is an example of how we should not let others discourage us or keep us from obtaining our blessing from God. We discuss how the world wants to persuade us and how religion wants to burn us out, and how Christ keeps us focused forward. How hungry are we to follow the Lord and fulfill His plans for us? Are our lives proving to be unworthy of Eternal Life or are we showing ourselves to be appointed to Eternal Life?

  • The Church: Winsome - Acts 13:9

    24/06/2021 Duración: 42min

    The early Church made a tremendous impact on an unreached world, because of their determination and selfless hearts. Beginning in Acts 13, the Apostle Paul took things to a whole other level with his ministry. Acts 13:9 and 1 Corinthians 9 reveals to us why Paul was truly winsome in his appeal to the Gentile world. He conducted his missions with a "For the world" attitude. In this message we dive into Paul's approach, and wonder if these same things can be said about us. Are we this driven by the Gospel, for the Gospel? Are we this driven by Christ, for Christ? May we gain more of Him in our hearts, so that we may win some for His Kingdom.

  • Souls: Acceptance - 1 John 4

    21/06/2021 Duración: 49min

    In this next installment of our conversation about our Souls, we discuss our longing for unconditional acceptance. We hear from God's Word and find in Jesus that God matches our soul's desire for acceptance with a desire for us. God is love, and He fiercely loves us as His own. Our stories may show that we are prone and known to waste our lives on extravagant and unrestrained sinful living, but the Gospel reminds us that God accepts us with an extravagant and unrestrained measure of amazing grace. In this message, we discuss our longing for acceptance, and look at a story that captures our struggle to find and show it to those who need it most in this life. Thankfully, we find in Christ that which we long for and need the most.

  • The Church: Building Plans - Acts 13

    15/06/2021 Duración: 40min

    Jesus promised that He would build His Church - an organized gathering of His people commissioned and empowered to carry on the mission He began. Throughout Acts, we see how the Church becomes more and more in line with His vision. In Acts 13, we learn how the Church prepared to serve the Lord through worship. We're also taught some very valuable truths about worship in this text. In this message, we discuss how worship is not an attempt to get God's attention, but a response to what God has already done. We find an awesome reminder that God's Spirit has descended to dwell with us, and through worship we set our hearts wholly on Him. The truth about worship is contrasted to an encounter with a magician, who represents our attempts to manipulate God, rather than surrender to and trust in Him.

  • Souls: Advocacy - John 9:1-5

    14/06/2021 Duración: 40min

    We humans are much more than flesh and blood. We are spiritual creatures. We have a soul. The human soul is intangible, yet it's the source of our expressions. It's invisible, yet it what shapes us into who we are. Our souls are well aware that we're part of a much larger universe. Our souls know that we need more than this world. When we're at our weakest, worst, and most wounded, we can feel our souls' cry for refuge that this world can't provide. Jesus came into a world that had no spiritual refuge, full of wearied souls. Jesus identified that our souls weren't looking for an explanation, but they were looking for advocacy - someone to offer presence, defense and intervention when the world has forsaken us. Jesus engaged with those at their weakest, worst and most wounded to show that He had come to be an advocate for everyone, in all circumstances. He taught that our weaknesses are not our end, but actually the very place where God can do His greatest work. It's in our weakness, that we can exclusive

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