Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle



Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Our Personal Survival Holiday Tips

    14/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    Christmas is my favorite time of year. I put up Christmas decorations earlier than almost anyone I know. I love the presents, the trees, the snow, the music, the lights, and the birth of Jesus. Why I don't love is how much attention FOOD gets. No, I'm not against having food during holiday celebrations. But look at the state of our country's health, and it's clear that we emphasize food way more than is good for us. Instead of thriving during the holidays, we're often just trying to survive them. And that can feel even more true when you're on a weight loss journey. What do you do if people drop sweets off at the office to thank you for all the great work you do? How do you respond without feeling rude? Or how about if you get invited to a friend’s Christmas party, and there's an entire table full of off-plan food? What then? In this week's new podcast, Cari and I are gonna help you with these situations and more, by sharing what we personally do to survive the holidays. See, even though we’ve been in mainten


    07/12/2022 Duración: 34min

    In the Bible is a story about three men who were told to bow to the king of Babylon, or face certain death. This king, Nebuchadnezzar, was so desperate to be worshipped that he not only made people bow to him and his image, but anyone who refused was thrown, ALIVE, into a fiery furnace.  Even knowing what would happen, three men named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar. (What's more, they were the ONLY people who wouldn't. Everyone else caved in.) When asked why they refused to bow, these three guys said they didn’t have to because their God would deliver them from anything. (Which, if you've read the story, you know God did.) They took a LEAP of FAITH. They stuck to their guns because they knew they were making the right choice, even though everyone around them probably thought they were crazy. Do you sometimes feel like you’re being tested? Maybe you wonder if you should just throw in the towel and bow down to the diet industry, to a pill for every ill, and to sacrificing good

  • Code Red vs. Keto

    30/11/2022 Duración: 30min

    A LOT of people ask me about the difference between Code Red and keto. "It sounds like keto without cheese and peanut butter!" is a remark I get sometimes. Code Red and keto have some similarities - both are a high-fat, low-carb way of eating, for example - but the differences go beyond cheese and peanut butter. To hear these differences for yourself - and understand how to explain them to Code Red skeptics in your life who dismiss Code Red and keto as the same thing - check out this week's new podcast episode. You'll not only discover the differences between Code Red and keto, you'll also hear why Code Red Rebels succeed where keto fails, and why you can trust Code Red over keto. Catch this week's episode in the Code Red network; in your favorite podcast app; or watch it on YouTube! ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds with absolutely NO pills,


    23/11/2022 Duración: 26min

    On the Code Red Lifestyle™, we follow 10 non-negotiable rules to help us consistently lose weight. People who aren't ready to be successful try and argue with me about these rules, as if I randomly pulled them out of my makeup bag, or made them up just for kicks. They're in place because, after being in the health and fitness industry for over 28 years, and coaching people in Code Red weight loss for over 10 years, I've seen what works and what doesn't. These rules come from my personal experience coaching tens of thousands of people on how to lose weight. The Code Red rules to consistent weight loss are what they are for ONE reason... To get your weight off as quickly AND safely as possible. (Same with the Code Red foods list, which I talked about in a previous podcast episode.) Ain't nobody wanna lose weight forever, and odds are that if you're reading this, you've spent decades trying to lose weight and keep it off. Tune into this week's new episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle to hear about the 10


    16/11/2022 Duración: 44min

    One reason hundreds of thousands of people have lost weight on Code Red is because they've followed the rules. The Code Red Rules are in place to protect you from the bull crap we're taught about what we should eat, and how often we should eat. We do NOT eat all day long on Code Red, and there are scientific reasons for why that is - reasons Cari and I are breaking down for you in this week's new podcast episode. It's the latest installment in our Back to Basics series. If you've been told that you should eat every two hours, or have three meals and two snacks a day to "keep up your metabolism," don't miss this week's podcast, because yes, how often you eat matters... But if you're new to Code Red, it's probably not in the way you think. We're also talking about WHAT we eat on Code Red, because that matters just as much as how often you eat! You can watch or listen to to this week's new episode in the Code Red network; in your favorite podcast app; or on YouTube!   Code Red Olive Oil - http://www.coderedolive

  • What Will Your Legacy Be

    09/11/2022 Duración: 24min

    After my sister, Cari, saw someone die in the ER recently, she said to me, “It’s shocking that something SO devastating can happen, and yet the world just keeps on turning.” And she's right. People die every day, yet the world keeps going. Hearing Cari talk about this got me thinking about what my legacy will be. Will it be a headline that says, “Cristy 'Code Red' Nickel killed in car crash on Highway 55," and then that's it? Will it be something to do with my bestselling book, The Code Red Revolution, and how it's helped hundreds of thousands of people take their lives back? Something to do with my boxing career? And how about you? Have you thought about what YOUR legacy will be? If your family has a history of poor health, could the example YOU set by living the Code Red Lifestyle™ be passed on and affect the health and hopes of future generations? Or maybe you'll be the member of your family who breaks the generational cycle of poverty, or even abuse, and leaves your family (including future generations) b

  • Being True To You

    02/11/2022 Duración: 37min

    After I began boxing to help pay my way through college, some of my loved ones struggled to accept it. A few HATED that I fought for a living. Others thought it was a joke and I was just doing it for "fun." Even after 15 pro fights, some people STILL weren’t happy that I was a boxer. They refused to watch me on TV, and thought it was awful that I was fighting because it was “not Christian” to fight for a living.  But I stuck with it and climbed the ranks until I was one of the top-rated female fighters on the planet. Make no mistake...when you choose to live your life as your true, authentic self, you'll get pushback from someone. You may even be laughed at, rejected, or thrown out of church or people’s lives. But here's the thing. When you DON’T have a strong sense of who you are or what's right for you, you’ll spend your life trying to make other people happy, or not “hurt” anybody's feelings, or mold and conform yourself to what other people THINK you should be. It reminds me of a book I heard about years

  • Do Yourself a Favor and Forgive

    26/10/2022 Duración: 34min

    I really like listening to Joyce Meyer. If you know any of her story, you know she experienced childhood incest for 15 years at the hands of her own biological father. Yet she was, eventually, able to forgive him. (It doesn't make what he did okay, it just means she decided to stop letting what happened make her miserable.) Cari and I suffered abuse in childhood (not from our parents - it was someone else), and I was physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by my first husband. We've both had other rotten things happen in our lives, too. But eventually we learned that harboring the bitterness of unforgiveness in your body and soul is actually a sort of trap, in that it damages YOU, not the person who hurt you. We've forgiven the people who abused us, because it made us sick not to, same as Joyce Meyer. So what does all this have to do with losing weight and keeping it off? Simple. After nearly 30 years in this industry, I've learned time and time again that a lot of people who battle obesity are holding t


    19/10/2022 Duración: 31min

    After recently being asked "how are you?" by someone who didn't wait to hear me answer, I thought about how often I’ve been asked "how are you?" over the years; and of those times, how few people who asked actually wanted my real answer (or any answer at all). "How are you?" is one of those canned phrases most people say to be polite, not because they actually wanna know how you are. (Try telling a total stranger how you actually are after they ask just to be polite, and you'll see what I mean!) I’ve come to HATE some of these canned much so I made an entire podcast episode about them to shine a light on why they're diluting our ability to truly connect with others (and, in the case of certain ones, negatively impacting your ability to get and keep the weight off). To hear what they are, and what you can say instead, tune into this week's new podcast episode. Search Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle on your favorite podcast app, or on YouTube. You can also watch the episode in the Code Red networ


    12/10/2022 Duración: 38min

    I spent almost eight years as a professional boxer, fighting at 154 pounds. And I kept and maintained that weight for years during my boxing career. Then I retired from boxing and took up elite level road cycling in 2010, and things began to change. Even riding my bike for hundreds of miles some weeks, my weight shot up by 20 pounds. Plus, my skin was ashy and my gut was hanging out, and I really didn’t feel good. Here I was, doing ALL this exercising, yet not only was I not maintaining my weight (much less losing weight), I was getting fat! It didn't make ANY sense! What was I doing wrong?? I'd been taught that you HAVE to exercise to lose weight, yet here I was, the fittest I'd ever been, but also the FATTEST I'd ever been! This experience is what finally taught me the TRUTH about exercise and weight loss. And in this week's new podcast, I'm revealing what no one in this industry talks about when it comes to the role exercise plays in weight loss. If you've never heard me talk about this, you cannot afford


    05/10/2022 Duración: 42min

    I grew up in a part of Idaho called Grangemont, and while working on our ranch every summer, I’d sweat for hours while taking care of the livestock, then get a headache that lasted for hours. What's funny about that is that we'd get up at dawn to the smell of fresh coffee, and I couldn't wait to sip my coffee...but I didn’t think about drinking water until way later in the day! By the time I finally did, I was so thirsty I could barely stand up, and my head throbbed like someone was jamming knives into my temples. Interestingly, our farm animals were smarter than most humans when it comes to getting their water in. We never had to pester the chickens to drink from their self-watering can, or the horses to gulp from their trough. After I grew up, left home, and went searching for a career, it became even easier to skip drinking water in favor of coffee, Diet Coke, and other beverages. It wasn’t until I began studying nutrition that I learned the value of drinking enough water. Knowing what I know now, I wish I

  • Back to Basics: Part 1 Sleep

    28/09/2022 Duración: 42min

    Hey, I get it. Weight loss tips and tricks and hacks and shortcuts all sound really sexy. And I'm not saying they don't work, or that you shouldn't use them. They can and do work. BUT, tips, tricks, hacks and shortcuts will only do so much if you're missing what Cari and I talk about in this week's new podcast. Relying on tips and tricks, and ignoring what we talk about this week, is a lot like getting your car detailed, and thinking that'll fix the busted engine. Nope. (Though wouldn't that be handy?

  • Don't postpone JOY

    21/09/2022 Duración: 38min

    "Well, when we just pay off the house, then I'll be happy and allow myself to feel happy." "When the kids graduate high school, when the baby is potty trained, when I lose this 50 pounds..." "When my husband stops drinking, when my wife stops nagging me, then I can have joy in my life." Any of that sound familiar? Because that kind of thinking is where a lot of people have trapped themselves. They wait for outside circumstances to "fix themselves," and in the meantime, stay miserable. You DON'T have to live that way, but waiting on things to "fix themselves" won't make you happy. If you're unhappy right now, about anything - your weight, your finances, your relationships, your health, politics (couldn't resist, haha) - then make sure you check out this week's new podcast...and get what you need to allow yourself some joy. (It might even help your weight loss...because your mind can stall your weight, too. We see it a lot.) Catch this week's new episode in the Code Red network, on YouTube, or by searching Rebe


    14/09/2022 Duración: 31min

    One of my favorite stories from the Bible is about a guy who spent 38 years trying to get healed. Along with a lot of other people who were sick or crippled, he'd lie next to the pool of Bethesda every day, waiting for a supposed angel of the Lord to come and move the water. The legend was that whoever first crawled into the water while it was moving got healed. When Jesus arrived at the pool, he caught this guy whining for someone to help him crawl in. Jesus asked him if he’d like to be healed, and the man whined, “I have no one to put me in the pool!” But Jesus didn't let this guy get away with whining. He told him to pick up his bed and walk...and the guy did. If you want to get the weight off, keep it off, and feel better, whining and excuses won't help you get there, anymore than they helped this guy from the Bible get healed. So, for a kick in the pants to knock off the whining and excuses and do what it takes to get and keep your weight off (so you don't spend 38 years - or another 38 years - working o

  • Your Story Doesn't End Here

    07/09/2022 Duración: 31min

    Look, if we're being totally honest, here, you've felt like giving up on your weight loss journey. If not with Code Red, then with a past weight loss attempt. Heck, maybe you even HAVE given up. The urge to give up hits us sometimes when stuff gets hard, feels unfair, feels hopeless, feels scary, and so on. But the urge to quit isn't the problem. The problem is when we DO quit. Yeah, it sucks when life throws you a curveball, but missing out on what happens when you keep going is worse. Seriously, if I'd thrown in the towel after any ONE of the curveballs that led me to create the Code Red Lifestyle™, hundreds of thousands of people would still be hopelessly obese and sick, believing the lie that there was nothing they could do about it. My point is that you don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring, and when you quit, you don't get to find out. So join me for this week’s podcast for help finding the resiliency you need to keep going, even when it's hard. Search "Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle" on your favori

  • Is Code Red Restrictive?

    31/08/2022 Duración: 23min

    Is Code Red Restrictive? Isn't life restrictive when you are overweight and unhealthy?  Isn't it restrictive when you need to get the seatbelt extender on an airplane?  How restrictive is it when you are on a bunch of medications because you have a poor diet? Our Code Red Rebels Eat REAL food.  Drink water and sleep.  How is that restrictive? Yes we do not want you eating pizza and ice cream or going through the drivethrough and getting yourself a big mac because that is not real food. Yes we do not want you to eat a bunch of sugar everyday but is that really being restrictive? In this episode Cristy and Cari discuss this topic and their are some tru gold nuggets. For Example one quote from Cristy is “Death is coming sooner to those of you who are not getting this concept.” We do not want you find your way to deaths door because you didn't eat real food.  We want you to be healthy and happy and engaged with your family, your kids and those people you choose to have in your life. So listen in and then head ove

  • The Safety of the Barn

    24/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    Up until recently, my sister, Cari, had THREE peacocks. One was a strong male, and he knew how evenings worked on the Thompson farm. He knew to go into the barn at night, because the barn kept him safe from from bobcats, coyotes, and other predators. But one night a few weeks ago, for whatever reason, he chose not to come back to the barn. Cari and her husband found him the next day, dead. If he'd only come back to the safety of the barn, he’d still be with the other birds on Cari's farm. It's a painful but powerful lesson about the power of staying connected to what keeps you safe. Case in point: Over and over, even the strongest, most certain Rebels who disconnect from Code Red gain back some, or even all of their weight. It's not because they're weak or lazy. It's not because they don't mean it when they say, "I am NEVER gaining my weight back again." It's because they leave "the safety of the barn," so to speak, and find themselves alone in the mainstream world...which is dedicated to crap health and crap

  • She Was Over 400 Pounds

    17/08/2022 Duración: 25min

    Are you ready for an incredible message of hope and healing? If you have ever struggled with your weight get ready to hear a success story from one of our Code Red Rebels, Christine.   Christine has struggled with her weight her entire life and before she started down the journey of healing she weighed herself at 418 pounds and was truly afraid of the scale and miserable in her life.  Everything was hard, just trying to do simple things that many people are able to do with no problems was hard.  Walking a block was hard, rolling over in bed was hard, literally everything was hard. As of recording this podcast Christine has lost over 125 pounds since joining the Code Red community. She has family that are big but this is no longer an excuse. She has had health issues due to her weight but this is no longer an excuse.  People might think it is tough to be on Code Red food plan but the truth is being overweight is what is restrictive. A fun question that was asked was in this episode was "how did you even find C

  • The Stories Rebels Tell Me at my Events

    10/08/2022 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever been to a Code Red event?  Or maybe any event that you were able to take a picture with the host and have a short conversation with them? After that happened did you wish you had a recording of that conversation or maybe wondered what others were saying when they were having their own conversation with the host? Welcome to a sneak peak of a weekend that I was able to do that.  As many Rebels took photos with me during the three-day event we were recording, and this episode is all about those conversations.  All about the little moments of success.  It is so heartwarming to hear every single time the Code Red lifestyle changes someone’s life. Enjoy the little moments that I had with my Rebels and think about the next time you are at an event and ask yourself if you are making the most of that moment. ---- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable, we are here for you on the Code Red App ---- Lose your first, next, or last 10 pou

  • She Beat Cancer

    03/08/2022 Duración: 34min

    Anyone can lose weight! But can you keep it off? Hear how this Rebel and business owner kept her weight off even during vacations, and in the face of travel, stress, and life. Marley Jaxx, our guest in this episode, is a YouTube Agency that works with entrepreneurs and influencers to create their video content on YouTube.  Marley got on to Code Red and lost 20 pounds. She stayed Code Red through the holidays and through travelling which was almost every week. What we get to know during the course of the interview with her on the podcast is that she has found travelling to have made her more conscious of choices that gel with her decision to go Code Red.   Wait a second these words were the ones written back in 2019 when Marley first joined the show.   You can watch the full episode here:   And everything above is still true today but unfortunately, we have a more serious subject to discuss that has happened in Marley’s journey through life.   This interview you get

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