Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 111:06:42
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Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Attack Your Problems

    27/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    How many times in our lives have we come to battle, saw the giant, and then run the other way? Stop making excuses, stop being afraid! The story of David and Goliath from the Bible actually tells the strong faith and deep love of God David had. When the champion Goliath came everybody ran off and David was there to witness this, he then talked to the king and as he wanted to defeat the giant becuase God was with him. David was told by many that he couldn’t defeat Goliath and that he was crazy for thinking he could. Not even Goliath thought David could defeat him as Goliath was trash talking David. David ran towards the giant facing him, he took out his stone, slung it and struck Goliath on the forehead. You can read the whole story of David and Goliath in your bible but the point is David attacked his problems and people trash talking him or didn’t believe in him along the way. David believed in God and had faith in doing what was right. Many people who trash talk you when you’re up to something and they will

  • Controlling For The Variables

    20/07/2022 Duración: 30min

    You'll never get the weight off if you can't manage your impulses in the moment. I get it. You're at a party and everyone's eating "what they want, when they want." You feel like you're missing out because you aren't eating the same thing at the same time as other people at the party. But by showing restraint in that moment, you're also moving closer to your goal of getting this freaking weight off. Remember that the ability to delay gratification is a trait successful people share, and just because you feel an impulse to eat something in the moment doesn't mean you have to act on it. There will always be another pizza, another bottle of wine, another can of soda, and another bag of chips. You've had them before, you know what they taste like, and they've done you no favors. So control the variables, control the food in your house, control the situations you put yourself in. Find a way to not be in the situation that could lead to a bad decision for your health and your weight. Not every single variable is un

  • Fight Your Fight

    13/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    We're all in a fight of some sort, some mental and some are physical. I know a thing or two about fights and fighting your fight. Being an ex professional boxer is all about mental and physical toughness. To fight the good fight is to do the right thing and to try to get others to do the same. Someone who is fighting the good fight is working tirelessly to try and make good choices and help others. This person wants to improve the world around her. Do you need permission to Fight Your Fight? NO others do not need to give you permission, YOU need to give permission to yourself. You have the capacity to provide solutions, The problem IS the problem. Once you’re able to identify the REAL problem, So, fix the problem! Stop blaming your body. Stop attributing your obesity to your genes. Your genes determine where fat builds up, not IF and WHEN you will get fat. Consider that maybe it’s the kind or quantity of food you eat that’s the problem. Or your mindset. Or the people you hang out with. Or the media you choose

  • Wherever You Go, There You Are.

    06/07/2022 Duración: 27min

    Being unhappy is a baggage you keep choosing to lug around. No matter where you go, whom you’re with and what’s happening around you, you are where you are – with the same crap you choose to lug around. Problem is you never seem to be the one to blame for your own pain and suffering… It’s your age. It’s your knees. It’s the host, the food they chose to prepare, the peer pressure, and the list goes on! That’s why you’re sad, why you’re binge-eating, why you’re sick and tired and overweight…but still carrying that baggage. And after a long day of whining and cussing at the wretched life you currently have, you hit the hay, only to wake up the next day for another bout with yesterday’s tragedy. “When does it stop”, you wonder. When you stop lugging around your baggage – insecurities, negative self-talk, constant self-doubt, hesitance in taking responsibility for your own happiness! Stop, even just for a moment, to think about how you have the power to make yourself happy! In Code Red, we believe in your power! Y

  • Addicted To Comfort

    29/06/2022 Duración: 33min

    Behind the mockery is some form of truth that should hurt. Forget about the name-calling. Never mind getting called a “ninny”. What you really should be sensitive about is why all the jeering keep getting on your nerves! Is it the person making fun of you that’s causing you to get all hyped? Is it their choice of words? Or maybe it’s the truth behind the mockery – the uncomfortable truth you keep denying!? Honestly, haven’t we become “pansies”, even just a little, now that we’ve got so much technology and innovations making our lives “easier”? Don’t we whine more, for less (hassle and stress), now that we’ve become too addicted to comfort? It’s worth examining our lives to see how much we’ve held ourselves back in favor of comfort. You used to embrace the grind, loved learning new things, enjoyed exploring fresh ideas, and gave a damn about your health… But now, you can’t be bothered to pick up a book, clean and organize your home, chase your dreams or eat healthy – basically anything that’s borderline “troub

  • Knockout The Lies

    22/06/2022 Duración: 35min

    The world is already full of lies, but none of those need to come from you... Because lies that come from ourselves are the hardest to overcome. Someone outside you tells you you're fine, but you know you're not, so you dismiss it because you know it's not true. However, the moment you tell yourself you “feel” fine, even at 80lbs overweight and battling six different chronic conditions, the lie becomes much harder to ignore. The longer you entertain the lie, the more “real” it feels, until you can no longer distinguish it from the truth. And that’s when tragedy strikes! People typically act on truths. With false beliefs at the helm, we alter our actions and responses to enable those beliefs, to the detriment of our REAL goals. Maybe you’re sick, overweight and hurting all over. But in believing that these problems are just figments of your imagination, or "not that big of a deal," you deny yourself much needed solutions. So, ask yourself… Are you truly OKAY? Or is there a better life that you ought to be livi

  • Functionality vs FEELINGS

    15/06/2022 Duración: 30min

    Social Media vibes are like: Feelings first…making sense last! True, isn’t it? How all the butthurt keyboard warriors are tearing down what could be a healthy and productive environment with their feelings? Back then, the internet primarily carried a hefty bunch of reliable informative resources. But it has grown to become the heavily opinion-based “grieving” ground. People are influenced to become “woke”, and to shout at the top of their lungs what they think and feel… With little to no regard for what is true and what RIGHTFULLY NEEDS TO BE DONE. People will hate us for telling them to get rid of sugar like it’s some sort of violation against their rights. They’ll make ugly remarks on not needing “that much” water. They’ll justify why they get very little sleep. But the truth stands! REAL food, water and sleep need to take over their lives in order to become healthy. Bad health won’t wait. It’s going to get worse unless we act NOW! So, regardless of what you think or feel, you still need to take action. The

  • Taking A Break From Caring

    08/06/2022 Duración: 35min

    With your mind sitting helplessly on the gutter, you’ve already lost the war. We’re not just talking about the war against obesity, but also all other conflicts we face in our day to day lives! Think about all the times you’ve raised two middle fingers to the world and said, “screw it”! (You probably said something worse!) It wasn’t the end of the world because here you are, reading this post and looking for a way out. And yet for a single moment that lasted far longer than you desired, you decided everything was futile. Why is that? What’s truly going on?! Our theory? Maybe you didn’t agree with what you HAD TO DO. Possibly, you didn’t like how you were told to do something. Or perhaps you feared that in the course of taking necessary action, you’d miss out on other “opportunities”. And so, you opted to not give a rat’s ass about the demands of society and of life, and decided to do things YOUR WAY – regardless if it’s the right or wrong way. Only you get to decide and figure out the root cause of your suffe

  • Unexpected Miracle

    01/06/2022 Duración: 47min

    Is someone listening? The question a lot of us are always eager to ask but reluctant to hear the answer. Because what if no one is listening? If we can easily be offended when we’re talking to a friend while s/he is lazily scrolling on her/his phone, what more when we’re desperate for help and no one seems to return our call?! Maybe you’re an entrepreneur trying to market your product to an audience, or a mom yelling for someone to take the laundry out the dryer because you’re busy cooking, or an obese person praying for a chance to take your life back… You want to know if someone’s listening but you’re afraid to know there’s no one there. Well, there’s ALWAYS someone listening! But even in times there aren’t any other people around, remember that there’s always YOU who has the power to choose the outcome of your life. You can’t control everything BUT change what you can. Be accountable for what you know and take action! If no one is listening to your spiels, change the spiel or change your product! If no one

  • Old Dog, New Tricks

    25/05/2022 Duración: 31min

    Change isn’t the enemy. Advancements in technology and other fields aren’t inherently good nor bad! It’s what we make of these changes that matter. And so why should we stop ourselves from experiencing and leveraging these in order to better our lives? It’s stubbornness that’s the true enemy. Stuck in our old ways, we leave so many opportunities on the table! We need to understand that when an opportunity – to improve our quality of life, to thrive – presents itself, it’s up to us to embrace the change. But we can count on stubbornness to put up a fight. Accepting change won’t be always easy, especially when change comes in quick succession. Change can be overwhelming. We might have to put in the work in order to keep up, but that’s no excuse to throw opportunities down the drain. In any aspect of life, especially in health and wellness, throw out what no longer serves your purpose. Throw out what no longer makes you happy. Make way for the new things that will send you in a direction of better! Still think e

  • The Shocking Results of Getting Organized

    18/05/2022 Duración: 36min

    Did you know that most stress you incur is caused by one specific stress you have to proactively get rid of? You probably have been so stressed about not having enough time to rest and do the things you love doing, like spending time with your family, taking art classes, going on vacations, getting your hair and nails done, or reading your favorite books. That stress can easily branch out to so much more! With so “little time” on your hands to get your job done, you tend to render overtime at the office. That leads to not getting enough sleep. That causes you to get moody and have unwarranted spats with your spouse. Stress from that brings you to poor eating habits that lead to obesity and diseases that bring…you get the point. Before you conclude that TIME is the problem… You need to know that other people have the same 24 hours on their hands and have similar responsibilities to yours, yet they manage to stay on top of stress! And the secret to that may just be right under your nose! Getting rid of the root

  • Addicted To Being BUSY

    11/05/2022 Duración: 37min

    Sometimes, the best thing anyone can do for themselves is to sit still and do nothing. HO HO HO! We can smell ‘em keyboard warriors rearing to smack us with some self-righteous ideals from miles away! There’s bound to be someone who’ll read this and say, “that’s just lazy!” Or maybe something along the lines of, “not everyone’s a privileged schmuck who can afford to bum around…”. We can’t blame them because in the context of the recent/on-going pandemic, where a lot of people lost their livelihood, telling someone to “sit still” just seems so inconsiderate, maybe even offensive. And so, we’re obliged to extend the context… When was the last time you made time for yourself? When was the last time you considered the state of your HEALTH above things like work and responsibilities? A heck load of people have become so addicted to being BUSY to the point where they’ve NEGLECTED the truly important things like health and family. And for what? There’s this mentality that success equates to hustling and grinding, ov


    04/05/2022 Duración: 37min

    Fight-or-flight response is an evolutionary survival mechanism that’s wreaking havoc in our lives today, and most of us don’t even realize it! It is a primitive reaction that triggers the release of hormones and other chemicals in the body to help us respond to a perceived threat, whether real or imagined. Basically, it’s genetic instructions that tell us to run when we can and fight only as a last resort. What’s troubling is that this crude mechanism, though still applicable in today’s settings, is causing us more harm than good. Because we’re not meant to simply survive...we all NEED to THRIVE! Here’s where it gets tricky: it seems like most of us will keep running away from living a healthy lifestyle until they no longer can, at which point, “fighting” is no longer an option. Why run from healthy living? It’s because most of us have grown accustomed and comfortable with eating junk food, drinking alcohol, and getting little to no sleep – to the point where real food, water and sleep have become “threatenin

  • Everyone Leaves Their Mark

    27/04/2022 Duración: 26min

    In the grander scheme of things, we’re all uniquely gifted to serve a purpose – the best way we can positively impact others! Basically, everything on earth (even the most mundane of things, like a rock or a shrub) was made to serve a purpose. We are no exception to this! Some are called to become world-class performers and entertainers, teachers and coaches, or entrepreneurs and inventors. For others, it’s simpler (but NOT less important) like being a parent, a son or daughter, or a friend. Each of our unique purposes are meant to contribute to a higher purpose: for all life to thrive and prosper! In finding that purpose, you stand to gain the LIFE YOU TRULY DESIRE! In CodeRed, we’re fortunate enough to be able to serve our communities as teachers who educate others about living a healthy lifestyle, and as warriors fighting against the plague that is obesity (and all diseases it entails). Full disclosure!!! None of us here knew exactly, from the very beginning, what our TRUE PURPOSE was. We had to discover,

  • Do The Next Right Thing

    20/04/2022 Duración: 33min

    Age old question: “If practice makes perfect and yet no one can be perfect, why practice?” We’ve found that even a seemingly ridiculous and sarcastic question can bring the most powerful of lesson! From big groups like political administrations, business leadership and school councils, down to us individuals, we’re all prone to making wrong choices. Wars have broken out, civilizations crumbled, lives lost, and yet here we are, humans who keep on going! Because NEWS FLASH!!! Wrong choices DON’T have to be the last ones anyone makes! Understand that “perfection” isn’t what’s being asked of us… We’re asked to do our best, give our all, and keep going, for a BETTER FUTURE. And often, the “Best” is fruit of doing the NEXT RIGHT THING! This applies to many aspects of our lives, including Health and Weight Loss! Like children rebuilding sandcastles lost to the waves, we’re asked to take back our lives with creativity, willingness, eagerness, and with a big smile. What’s done is done. Wrong choices have been made. Yo

  • Not Everyone Wants Your Help

    13/04/2022 Duración: 35min

    People may not respond to one truth but may respond to another. Put a frog in a steel pot with cool water and it’s going to stay there, almost still. Place the pot over the stove and turn up the heat. Seeing the frog’s predicament, you know it’s going to need your help, but that frog’s not going to try to get itself out until the water heats up to an uncomfortable temperature. Isn’t that how it is with most people? We can see they're in dire need of losing excess weight, but until they start feeling the need to help themselves, they’re not going to want help. No matter what you say, even the truth about obesity, if people choose not to hear you out, there’s just no convincing them! We’re not asking you to give up on your loved ones, rather, we’re asking you to acknowledge that there are other truths that may garner positive responses… Like the truth about needing time and space to figure things out for themselves. Or the truth that there’s someone else better suited to help them. And so, we offer them these!

  • It Doesn't Matter What You Know

    06/04/2022 Duración: 33min

    Nobody losses fat by reading books... Or watching videos on weight loss. Or going to weight loss conventions. People lose weight by taking action! We're not about to downplay the part that knowledge plays in weight loss. Getting to goal weight means taking the RIGHT kinds of actions, and knowledge will TELL you what those are. Nope, going to the gym and sweating it out non-stop IS NOT the right action (at least not for weight loss). You can be physically active and still be overweight at the same time! What you need: REAL Food, Water AND Sleep! "HAHA! Joke's on you, I know that!" - but do you? “Yes, I’ve been listening/watching/reading all the free information that CodeRed has to offer! I have everything I need to lose weight!” – and so, why haven’t you? It's hard to tell because even with all that knowledge, you seem to still be lugging around excess weight that we should've gotten off of you months/seasons/years ago... Or maybe you already lost the weight, yet here we are. It doesn't matter what you know...

  • The First Round Is Always The Hardest

    30/03/2022 Duración: 33min

    Finding a way around the difficulty of the first round is futile… BUT getting started and moving towards the healthy body you deserve is not! The first round will ALWAYS be hard BUT it gets EASIER! It’s always the same, whether in boxing, in learning how to ride a bike or drive a car, in getting acquainted with your office’s culture, even in meeting new people and building relationships, and most especially in weight loss. The difficulty is not for lack of experience. None of us were born knowing what we know now. Before any of us could run, we all had to (literally) take baby steps. Taking those first steps…was it difficult? Of course! Our bones and muscles had to form and support our weight. Our motor skills had to develop. Our bodies needed to find our balance. It was probably difficult for our parents too, watching us fall down again and again. Yet here we are today, making our parents, family, and friends proud. Learning. Knowing. Doing. Succeeding. Rinsing and repeating. Weight loss shouldn’t be anythin

  • Out With The Old

    23/03/2022 Duración: 39min

    Achieving good health starts with creating space where there was none before. We’re talking about understanding that our reality involves Mutually Exclusive Events – things that cannot coexist at the same TIME and SPACE! For example…you can’t be running and walking at the same time. You can’t be turning left and right, or moving forward and backwards at the same time. People can argue that it’s a matter of perspective. But from your viewpoint – the perspective that matters most in YOUR life – which direction are you headed and how fast are you going? There’re tons of mutually exclusive events in our lives, an important one being: you CAN’T be unhealthy AND healthy at the same time! For one to exist, the other has GOT to GO! Simply put… When it comes to health and weight loss, we have to let go of some things – food, clothes, habits, and even people – in order to accommodate the “NEW YOU” that you desire. You want… To lose weight? Say goodbye to old eating habits that got you fat. A healthy body? Bid farewell

  • Rejecting What Is "Normal"

    16/03/2022 Duración: 21min

    Normal is NOT always what SHOULD BE. The idea of being normal is one that has been deeply ingrained in our minds. We have been conditioned to believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. But what is normal? How do we define it? Is it what the majority of people think, or a set of rules which society has dictated over time? “Boys will be boys.” “Nice girls don't.” “Girls take care of their weight because they need to be attractive.” “Boys can be fat and still get a girl.” Should girls really work on their weight for aesthetics? Is it okay for boys to be fat? Shouldn’t the point of taking care of one’s body, regardless of sex or gender, be for health? We’ve got to think about these things… Just because something’s normal in the eyes of many, doesn’t mean it’s RIGHT thing to do. This is especially true when it comes to health and wellness! Shouldn't we all encourage healthy behaviors instead of shunning those who are trying to improve themselves in whatever way possible? Doesn't it make more s

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