Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle



Cristy CodeRed Nickel, author of The Code Red Revolution, is a speaker, #2 world-ranked boxer (retired), celebrity nutritionist, award-winning personal trainer, and elite-level athlete.In this podcast, I am going to share everything I've learned over the past 25 years in the health and fitness industry. I'm going to leverage my experiences as a professional boxer, NPC Figure competitor, MTV MADE Coach and celebrity trainer to share only the best and most effective tactics to ensure you achieve all your health and lifestyle goals in record time.Be sure to check the website to learn more about how you can join the Code Red


  • Where The Rubber Meets The Road

    09/03/2022 Duración: 27min

    In pursuit of weight loss, where the rubber meets the road is in the kitchen, and the dining table, and the buffet line. It’s in food choices and health habits that you either win or lose. And in order to make the right choices, there’s a need to KNOW and Understand. That’s why we’re here to put a stop to the “What you don’t know won’t hurt” mentality. Because what you don’t know CAN and WILL hurt your body! Nutritional Values, Metabolic Markers, Chemical Reactions in the body, and consequences of making poor choices are just some of the things we highly consider when creating weight loss programs. But that’s not the End-All-Be-All… Code Red is a LIFESTYLE! Knowledge requires action. We're about putting science and information to practice! Knowing the caloric content of burgers and burritos don’t get you to goal weight…choosing to EAT real food, DRINK lots of water, and get enough SLEEP, does! However, we understand that in our journey to goal weight, things can be easier said than done, especially when a cer

  • Warning Your Future Self

    02/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    The Past is for learning the things we can do differently at Present so that we can create a Future worth looking forward to. If you're like most people, there are probably a few things you'd change if you could go back in time and be healthier. But how many of those things have you actually changed? Maybe none? That's because today is the only day that matters when it comes to your health. The fact is that tomorrow may never come. Today is the only day we can change our lives, and the first step starts with understanding the values you can learn from yesterday. What got you fat? What triggered your hypertension? What led to your type 2 diabetes? More Importantly, what can you do differently NOW, in order to get to the future you WANT to enjoy? Forgive us for assuming but…a lot of you might be saying, “I know what I need to do”. In truth, you might have known for a while now, the things you SHOULD DO, so what’s the hold up? Are you still lacking critical information you need to come up with a healthy diet? Yo

  • I'll be happy when...

    23/02/2022 Duración: 32min

    There is a strong underlying idea that we can’t be happy until we accomplish something. It might be a degree, a new job, a better body or the perfect relationship. And it’s not only tangible achievements like these. We also have the idea that we must reach certain levels of mental and spiritual attainment before we can be happy. The problem with this viewpoint is that it keeps us stuck in the same cycle of “I’ll be happy when…” We keep putting off our happiness for another day — for when we get that thing — and in the meantime, we become frustrated, stressed and unfulfilled. This mentality keeps us from doing the things we want to do for fear of not doing them perfectly or achieving them perfectly or being ready for them. And at the same time, those who do achieve their goals often find themselves still feeling empty inside because they never stopped to ask themselves what they wanted out of life beyond just achieving these goals. How many times have you delayed getting to goal weight? Once you do achieve goa

  • A Road with No Exit...

    16/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    The moment you come out of your mother’s womb you’re placed on a road… In your earlier years where you couldn’t come up with sound decisions of your own, it was the environment you were in and the people around you who influenced the actions you took. It was your parents, your siblings, maybe your aunts and uncles who taught you which direction to take along the road you’re on. Now that you can make sound decisions on your own, we want to ask you this… Are you headed towards the direction of good health? Having been raised in a household where real food was the staple, are you keeping true to the direction of good health? And if you lived in a home where junk food and vices were the norm, are you now steering clear of those and travelling towards a healthy lifestyle? Unclear of your bearing, maybe you decide to just “stay in the middle” or “get off the road”. The thing to note is that you’re not on a freeway where you can simply choose to exit or to wait it out on the curb. Every action you take is either pus

  • 3 Things I Would Tell My Teenage Self

    09/02/2022 Duración: 36min

    “I should’ve known better.” The most common line that usually precedes a statement of regret, precedes submission to a past fault – that which most people fixate on as they succumb to the belief that “now, it’s too late”. If you knew back then what you know now, would that have made difference? Would you be healthy right now if you knew about the consequences of substance abuse and poor eating habits? Would you have done things differently and focused on a healthy lifestyle? It’s easy to say, “Yes, things would be better today”; nonetheless, we’ll never really know, right? Because those “ifs” are merely vestiges of the past and there’s no turning back time. And so, what of our new realizations? What of the knowledge we possess right now? Are they for naught, because there’re no do-overs? In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about the things we’d like our younger selves to know, not for the sake of past but for posterity. We take the learnings from past struggles, apply them to our present lives, so that we ma

  • It’s Okay to Not be Okay.

    02/02/2022 Duración: 33min

    “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” Not every day is going to be a good day. But where there is pain, there is opportunity for growth! What’s troubling is that many of us don’t recognize that opportunity. We let our emotions swallow us whole – we let pain crush us – when all along, we can be harnessing pain to become stepping stones to success. Isn’t it true that the current norm is to drown away our sorrows? Because that’s what society is asking of us? Because that’s what puts food on the table, clothes on our backs, roofs over our heads, glowing recommendations from our bosses? “You’re not getting far if you don’t suck it up!” We’ve yet to realize that by bowing to the pressure, we do more harm than good. What makes the passage powerful is that it speaks of what we, as a society, fail to see: It’s Okay to Not be Okay! We nee

  • Our word of the year: COMEBACK!

    26/01/2022 Duración: 29min

    It’s time we recognize that we owe ourselves a round of applause for making it to today! In spite of the hardships brought about by the pandemic, changes in politics, rising costs of living, among other environmental factors that pile on top of the daily challenges we face… You are here today, alive and kicking, reading this post, and wondering what this will boil down to… And for that, dear Rebels, you deserve to be applauded! YOU’re still standing. YOU made it to today. And YOU have the potential for an awesome COMEBACK story! The whole world has suffered long enough, and we believe it’s time we all made a comeback! Though we’ve made it this far, it wasn’t without scars and bruises. Most of us have taken steps back from our goals pertaining to different aspects of our lives. But none of these let us off the hook. Despite poor decisions and harsh circumstances in the past, we all deserve to take back our lives and move forward, together! But where does it all begin? We’ll give you a hint! Step 1 is identifyi

  • The top 5 most googled questions about Code Red

    19/01/2022 Duración: 27min

    We applaud everyone who has taken the initiative to search about proper weight loss techniques and about living a healthy lifestyle! In our fight against obesity and the weight regain problems we’re faced with, it’s truly heart-warming for us to see so many people actively participating in weight loss and supporting the healthy lifestyle! But the fight isn’t over. Many still have reservations against taking the first step towards taking their lives back, and are struggling with obesity because they don’t know where to start looking for answers and guidance! Everyone deserves to enjoy living a healthy life! And so, for everyone who needs encouragement towards starting their weight loss journey, for those seeking to add to their arsenal in order to continue progressing towards goal weight, and especially those who have yet to believe that taking back your health CAN be done, we hear you! We’re going to shed some light on the internet’s Top 5 Most Searched Questions About the Code Red Lifestyle! We know that the

  • It Never Gets Easier

    12/01/2022 Duración: 29min

    “For every person who has something, more will be given; but those who have ‘nothing’, what little they have will be taken away”. This powerful passage, part of the Parable of The Coins from the book of Luke, remains relevant today! The number of coins and servants differ from one version of the Bible to another, but the lesson remains the same: Each of us are given the gifts. Those who strive to invest these gifts will be rewarded, while those who take ‘em for granted, those who remain in constant fear of scarcity, and those lazy enough to waste opportunities away are stripped of what little they have. In health, the greatest gift anyone can receive is the gift of “Today”. We’re all given the opportunity to take our lives back today, but most people take this for granted believing there’s always tomorrow, until there isn’t. Will you be the one to start your weight loss journey today so you can reap the benefits of better health tomorrow or will you keep putting it off until your health plummets? Will you put

  • Control What You Can

    05/01/2022 Duración: 27min

    Our superiority over other living species on earth lies not in our power to control everything but in our free will. When God made humans stewards of His creations, we weren’t given extra comic book superpowers nor omnipotence. He knew that our intelligence coupled with the power to choose were enough for us to perform His will. This fact greatly showed when Noah excellently performed His will. Noah had no control over the flood. What he could control was his response to God’s call. And so he chose to tap into his resources including God’s grace and guidance, his family, and natural resources to build an ark. Noah could’ve chosen to disobey God. He could’ve sulked in despair over the inevitable natural disaster and let the flood consume his family and the creatures he was called to save. BUT he chose otherwise. And that’s the key! There will always be circumstances in our lives and in our weight loss journey that we CANNOT control! But we’re NEVER powerless! Surrendering to trials and tragedies is NOT our onl

  • Environment is Stronger Than Willpower

    29/12/2021 Duración: 27min

    Willpower ALWAYS wanes. No one, at any given moment, has an infinite amount of willpower. Willpower is LIMITED. And so, it’s no surprise that environment is stronger than willpower. Because while your willpower comes and goes, environments persist. “Oh OK! I guess there’s not helping it. There’s no other option except to give in to…” We’re going to stop you right there! We never said you have to give in and give up. Despite strong influences of an environment, you ALWAYS have a choice. You can beat the environment when you have the discipline to make the difficult choices. With the right training and the right mindset, YOU CAN obtain the discipline needed to stick to your goals even when the odds are stacked against you. It starts with managing yourself against the environment. It starts with focusing on the things that you can control. It starts with planning ahead and considering all available options instead of letting the environment test your integrity and eventually succumbing to temptations. And these

  • Who are you glorifying with your lifestyle?

    22/12/2021 Duración: 26min

    2 things are most likely to happen when you put a person under the lens. Either they fake it or they show you the truth. But no matter which path they take, they’ll be glorifying something. Why is this relevant? In a world where the internet is far reaching and cameras are in everyone’s pockets, dashboards, head gears, offices and homes, there’s always someone watching. At any given time, the human population can share and consume countless information. And when there’s that much information going around, it becomes harder to discern truths from lies. Information, regardless of whether it’s true or not, is powerful. When we cannot discern one from the other, we become vulnerable to the influence of things that shouldn’t be glorified, and instead should be criticized, denounced or even condemned for the harm they may deal to people. You think telling people that junk food has no ill effects to the human body and is therefore “okay” to consume should be glorified? Masked as a mere “opinion”, things like these a

  • Eating In Hate

    15/12/2021 Duración: 27min

    Hating your food but finishing it anyway is an intriguing phenomenon. Despite the intense emotions of anger and hatred that we feel towards a certain food, many of us “can’t help it” and continue to eat ‘em anyway. We’re not talking about disliking food for their looks, taste or smell. We’re talking about hating food (that we otherwise would probably love) because they occupy space in our homes and in our lives. “What?! Absurd! Why would anyone hate food for being in their life?” If this ain’t a thing for you, you can probably ask someone who’s on a weight loss program and has to deal with food that should be disposed of – food that should never have made their way into the house in the first place but are there anyway. Ask someone who struggles with obesity but chooses to eat the junk food in their house because the alternative is throwing (wasting) the food away. Not everyone struggles with this BUT everyone can still pick up important lessons from this phenomenon. There is a need to understand the memories

  • The Danger of COMPLACENCY

    08/12/2021 Duración: 24min

    Achilles would probably have lived longer if he protected his heels. Might not have had iron greaves then but he sure could’ve protected this vulnerable spot one way or another, if only he wasn’t too focused on being invulnerable. Depending on the account, some might argue that Paris just got lucky with that arrow to the heel, or Achilles was simply unlucky to have been on the receiving end of Apollo’s anger. What’s this myth got to do with weight loss? Well, the story of Achilles might not have been real but losing everything to complacency is! However fit, healthy, or strong you think you’ve gotten, you CAN lose everything to a single “unlucky” moment when you become complacent. A stroke can come without warning, a spouse might catch you cheating and decide to end your relationship, your business might fall because you became complacent. You CAN regain all the fats, illnesses and disorders, among other physical complications you’ve lost because of a single uninhibited trip to Taco Bell. One trip to your fav

  • Forgetting How Good It Feels

    01/12/2021 Duración: 30min

    The sun, moon and stars will align for you to shed the weight. But the problem is how often we need them to align because we keep regaining our weight. Yep! Weight loss isn’t the problem. It’s weight regain that’s plaguing our nation. It happens to the best of us! Even coaches, trainers, dieticians, among other health professionals are susceptible to gaining back weight! Often, people become too familiar with having achieved goal weight and they can’t fathom how anything might change that state. They start forgetting to take measurements needed for managing their weight. They become careless and expose themselves to the contagion that is obesity. Others are simply burnt out from the “grind”. Ultimately, people regain weight because they forget or take for granted the great feeling of being healthy and at goal weight. To a lot of us, gathering the strength and courage to persevere towards losing weight takes so much energy. It’s almost always hard at the beginning! The problem becomes apparent when people have

  • Don't Sell Your Tomorrow For A Quick Today!

    24/11/2021 Duración: 25min

    Cut a growing plant today and you’ll miss out on the fruits and the tree. Wasn’t easy planting the seed and waiting for it to rise from the ground, right? You spent time and energy getting it to where it’s at but now you’re willing to chop it down before it has the chance to bear fruit? Who invests a large sum into financial instruments only to cash out for 10 cents on the dollar because they need money for a Steve Madden sale? Who spends time and energy to build a beautiful relationship only to throw it away for a fling following a petty quarrel? Who bothers to lose weight only to start gaining ‘em back because pizza night with the gang is just once a month? Who? Sadly, a lot of us do. Because a lot of us are impatient, lack the discipline, and are fearfully living with a scarcity mindset. Many of us settle for quick feel-good moments today because the future is all but certain. Well, here’s a bit of truth for all of us… Our dreams and goals ARE reachable and they are not simply subject to luck. With patienc

  • Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater

    17/11/2021 Duración: 27min

    The expression dates back to when indoor plumbing wasn’t a thing and families would share the same bathwater. So, the punchline… By the time they finish bathing the baby, with so many having used the same bathwater, the water would be so murky that one might accidentally “throw the baby out with the bathwater”. It’s a funny expression in the sense that no one would throw out something so precious along with one undesirable thing…ermm…right? Oh WAIT! That’s currently what our society does! Isn’t it common nowadays that when someone we support and follow on social media features something we don’t agree with/believe in, we’re quick to hit the unfollow/unsubscribe button? We’re often quick to judge and we treat “petty” and “different” to be nuances of “intolerable” and “toxic”. Is giving up on your weight loss program (and your health) after having a disagreement with your coach, about foods you should eat, the way to go? You’re probably asking…what’s the alternative? What SHOULD you do? What’re your thoughts on

  • Is Obesity Contagious?

    10/11/2021 Duración: 37min

    When it comes to health, you want to be certain. Our goal is for people to take their health back from years of abuse due to poor eating habits, poor water consumption and sleep deprivation, among other factors. If we want to achieve that goal, we need people to strongly believe in us. We need people to see that we did the research and put in the work. We built a culture where people look to empirical data, scholarly articles, scientific studies, and credible sources before making decisions that affect health. One such article is from The New England Journal of Medicine where they showcase a study, made by N. A. Christakis, and J. H. Fowler, on the spread of obesity in a large social network over 32 years. Results show that people’s chances of becoming obese increase by 57% if s/he has a friend who is obese in a given interval. Among pairs of adult siblings, there’s a 40% increased chance of one becoming obese if the other is obese. Furthermore, if one spouse is obese, the other has a 37% increased chance of


    03/11/2021 Duración: 33min

    Today on Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle we are talking about cutting out the noise.   Can you honestly say you remember all that you had before it got so noisy? Don’t you miss ‘em? The peace and serenity? The focus? The sincerity of it all? All of which now seem unprecedented in the face of so much noise! What happened to turning off the radio and TV so we can enjoy a peaceful meal with our families? What happened to giving attention to what matter, like your health and your family? It seems like when technology evolved, it changed the dynamics of consumption. Where we used to consume information, noise now consumes us. It’s a barrage! FB, IG, Tiktok and Twitter posts everywhere! Messenger, Zoom, FaceTime calls left and right. Not to mention all the other websites out there. Oh and of course, TVs and radios still exist. Crazy, right? How you can’t seem to get away from the misinformation, biases and censorship? How private lives aren’t so private anymore? How it’s gotten harder to focus on REAL goals when

  • Who Do You Think You Are?

    27/10/2021 Duración: 30min

    Today on Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle I have a question for you.   Who do you think you are? Would you have an answer for someone if they were to ask you, who do you think you are? If someone tells you that you are not enough or too quiet or too shy or too anything.  Do you have the confidence to not let them sway your belief?   I know who I am and there's nothing that you could ever say to me that could ever separate me from my knowing who I am. And that's powerful.   Listen to this episode and ask yourself the question.  Who do you think you are? We don't know what the future holds and I hope you liked this episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle and that it helped give you a swift kick in the Fanny, like only I can do. Thank you all for listening and I will see you again next week! --------------------------------------------- Have you seen our new app?  Even when your other social platforms are unavailable we are here for you on the Code Red App Lose your first, next

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