Diamond Factory



Home of the Monday Nights calls with Jen Springer and Monty Moran. Listen in as they host Young Living Essential Oils related business discussions with guests from Young Living corporate, 3rd party vendors to help you both enjoy the products in creative ways and grow your business at the time, and of course the numerous Young Living Independent Distributor RockStars!This call is sponsored by Young Living Independent Distributor 430739, Peacock Enterprises LTD to support the business builders growing this awesome network marketing MLM company!


  • 2018 - 3-26 Sgt. Jason Sapp, YL Gold And Author Of Miracle Of Essential Oils

    04/04/2018 Duración: 49min

    OurSimpleTraining.com Monday Night Call: Sgt. Jason Sapp, YL Gold & Author of "Miracle of Essential Oils" How on earth can a “2 tour Iraq Army Scout Veteran” with PTSD his “I don’t want to leave the house” wife grow steady to Gold in 4 years? Sgt. Jason Sapp and his wife La’Nette had to break out of their shells and walked through their obstacles because both had negative long term effects from Jason’s tours. They began building people through personal growth to empower live changing miracles to happen within each member they sponsored. Sgt. Jason Sapp is the author of “The Miracle of Essential Oils: Harnessing the Power of Botanicals to Ease Physical, Emotional, and Psychological Trauma.” What you’ll learn: Changing your life when you feel stuck in a rut with no way out Getting unstuck from old patterns that keep you chained and feeling alone Being the “stay at home mom” that doesn’t always have to be “stuck at home” Personal growth into feeling worthy of owning a prosperous business When blocks are

  • 2018 - 3-19 Dory Doyle YL Gold Leader

    20/03/2018 Duración: 01h28s

    Monday Night Webinar: Dory Doyle, YL Gold Staying The Course Through The Highs And Lows Of Your Business Your Young Living business will have ups and downs. When your volume soars and your team is rallying it’s a blast and you feel invincible. Then when your volume is stuck for months and maybe you’ve fallen back a rank, that downswing allows for thoughts of throwing in the towel. Dory Doyle - YL Gold leader soaring to Platinum – will be on this Monday’s Call. She has had some incredible insights during the journey of her YL biz and you will REALLY want to hear what she says! Just her tip on raising Essential Rewards blew me away, you’re not going to want to miss that one! What you’ll learn: When you hit one wall after, how to keep going when you want to throw in your chips Getting your Essential Rewards rate up 26% to over 40% with a very simple but POWERFUL strategy Creating a team culture you LOVE to do business with What to do when the magic wears off in your YL business and you don’t feel like doing

  • 2018 - 3-5 YL Gold Alicia Sears

    06/03/2018 Duración: 55min

    Monday Night Call: YL Gold Alicia Sears Do you have big goals and love the products yet you something is stopping you from getting your business off the ground? You feel like something inside you is holding you back but don’t know what. You’re not alone! At some point everyone building a business will have emotional blocks that get creates stagnancy instead of success. We’re going to cover that tomorrow night FOR SURE! Alicia Sears came into Young Living excited to promote the prevention side of wellness and business. She started her business right away, she didn’t want to go back to work after she had her son. Alicia’s perspective on health from her nursing background and passion for helping people have better lives has catalyzed success throughout her growing team. What you’ll learn: When your sponsor is not a builder, what to do to set yourself up for success. Finding your why so that when the going gets tough, you stay on course. Why promoting your business from the “preventative side” is the be

  • 2018 - 2-27 Dana Christisen YL Gold Leader

    28/02/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Monday Night Webinar [Audio Version]: YL Gold Dana Christisen There is only ONE WAY to do this business. YOUR WAY. You are unique in our YL business journey and must find what works for YOU. Don’t things because you think you should or because others have told you “this is how you must do it”. The only WRONG WAY is the way that doesn’t get results! Find your style and when you get stuck, find the cause and break through. This Monday we have Dana Christisen, Gold leader sharing her 12 year journey with Young Living. Her passion for natural health brought her to Young Living, not the business. But wait until you hear how the business started to unfold for her! What you’ll learn: The oils you MUST USE for magical things to happen in your Young Living Business Why being coachable will make or break your upranking goals The catch 22 with Young Living. Why some people succeed when they shouldn’t When you get stuck in any area of your life, how to find the reason why in an instant Vision boards & consciou

  • 2018 - 02 - 19 Shallie Hurd YL Silver

    20/02/2018 Duración: 58min

    http://OurSimpleTraining.com Get nervous before you present? Don’t think that you can be successful if you’re an introvert? Going from “I can do this business because (insert your WHY) to “Omgeee I talked to my friends and family and they all said I was crazy, now I want o quit” can be a reality that causes many distributors to give up on their dreams that set them on the path to growing their Young Living Business. Military veteran, introvert, mom, wife and YL Silver soon to be Gold Shallie Hurd will be on the call this Monday. Reaching out to new people in new situations isn’t her favorite thing to do, find out how she builds her business “HER WAY” that has lead to steady growth into the leadership ranks. What you’ll learn: 1. Feel like you need to “know more” before you really take off with your business? Do this. 2. Handling the pre-presentation jitters and apprehensions 3. Identifying if you get into your own way and how to get OUT of it! 4. Marketing Young Living in a these few consistent ways leads t

  • 2018 - 2-12 Lori Gordon Oil Revolution Designs

    13/02/2018 Duración: 56min

    Monday Night Webinar: Lori Gordon of Oil Revolution Designs! WEBINAR PHONE NUMBER DIFFERENT THAN REGULAR MNC DIAL IN NUMBER Sharing Young Living the HARD WAY or the EASY WAY? The hard way is creating all of your own materials that you use to share the message of Young Living. The EASY way is to use awesome tools that are already done for you! Whether you're sharing products or the income opportunity, done for you tools are available for both! Lori Gordon founded Oil Revolution Designs a few years ago to offer distributors beautiful tools that were already done for them so they can spend their time sharing the Young Living message - not wasting time futzing with graphics. Tomorrow night Lori is going to show you what is awesome and new and give you a tour of what she's created for you! What you'll learn: 1. A simple packet you can give to your new YL builder to get them started right. 2. Are labels available for oils and Savvy Minerals? 3. Presentations already done for you that are PERFECT for sharing

  • 2018-1-29 RCD Jordan Schrandt Personal And Professional Growth

    31/01/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    The old saying goes, "If you're not growing you're ... dying" right? Are you literally going to croak, probably not. Is your business going to croak if YOU are not personally & professionally growing? The odds will definitely be against you. What we know is every Young Living distributor who has earned a substantial commission check admits they had to PERSONALLY grow in order to get where they are. This is especially true when you hit the Diamond Ranks. Monday 1/29/2018 Royal Crown Diamond Jordan Schrandt will be on to talk about getting stuck and exactly how you need to grow so your business grows! What you'll learn: 1. The BEST and EASIEST ways to stay plugged in EVERY day so you keep your business at the forefront 2. What characteristics do you need to posses or attain in order to create wild duplication in your team 3. If you cannot sponsor a soul, how to identify if it is YOU or THE PROSPECT. (What to do if it's YOU!) 4. How to encourage your team to get to Rally's, Convention, team gatherings, and oth

  • 1 - 22 - 18 In's & Out's Of Networking Like A Pro With Monty Moran

    23/01/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    Monday Night Webinar "I don't know anyone" or "I've run out of people to talk to" are two phrases often said by a stuck distributor who has plateaued in sponsoring new members. Monty Moran, YL Silver struggled when he first decided to grow a Young Living Business. His circle of influence was very small in the town he lived in and he questioned if he'd ever be successful. He discovered how to meet people through local gatherings which eventually led to sponsoring a 2-3 people every week. What you'll learn: Why all business builders should consider networking What to say when asked "What do you do?" Where to find the best events to attend How "GIVER'S GAIN" is the secret to networking success If paid or free events are better Join us for this webinar, invite your team members too!

  • 2018 -01-09 Roadmap to RCD Without Being A Sales Person with Tom Challan

    10/01/2018 Duración: 01h20min

    Thought about doing a Young Living business in the past but didn't think you could do it? You don't think you're "good at sales" or the thought of starting overwhelms you so you don't even try. If you've started your YL business and stopped OR if you feel like you don't even know where to begin - get on this call! Sharing your experiences with Young Living is not just about the money, it's about helping people with amazing products THAT WORK. Who do you know that could use better sleep or who has to get a third job because they cannot pay their bills? You can help people by sharing the message of health and abundance, in turn the Company sends you a THANK YOU check every month in return. This Monday Jen Springer and Tom Challan will talk frankly about how you can get to Royal Crown on your terms. (BTW, have you ever seen what a Royal makes? See Income Disclosure) What you'll learn: 1. How to help people you sponsor to share the message themselves - easily 2. Starting so that you hit your goals, whether it's

  • 17-12-18 Paul Bauer On Kicking Limiting Emotions To The Curb For GOOD!

    19/12/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    Tried everything and your emotions are still getting the best of you? It is known that emotional wellness determines one's health. You can eat organic foods, exercise, meditate, and spread all the "good vibes" around the world and if you are an emotional hot mess none of that awesomeness may matter. On Monday's call we will have Paul Bauer, Founder of Dreams Alive.com. For over 20 years Paul has helped people move beyond the limits of their mind to discover their innate gifts and strengths. Paul is an expert in helping people clear their subconscious blocks and emotions that hold them back from business success and personal happiness. During his wife’s health crisis, Paul discovered Essential Oils. After using the oils for several years, Paul discovered the hidden levels of the oils and their incredible powers to clear unresolved emotions and stagnant Chi energy. It's his passion to share these hidden levels of the oils with the world... Paul is the creator of Ener-Chi, a program custom designed for Young

  • 12-11-2017 YL Platinum Heidi Orth on Breaking Free of the Poverty Mindset

    12/12/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Monday Night Call: YL Platinum Heidi Orth - Busting Free of Poverty Mindset​​​​​​​ Having a hard time imagining YOURSELF at DIAMOND? If you think you don’t have what it takes or you’ll NEVER get there, get on this Monday Call!!! If you’ve thought you can’t do this business, you’re not alone. When YL Platinum Heidi Orth first started her business she just wanted enough to make a van payment and couldn’t imagine becoming a Diamond. Fast forward a few years and Heidi is a healthy Platinum who’s writing the check this week to pay off her van in full and excited about the upcoming Race to the Finish Hawaii Trip. On Monday’s Call you will hear how Heidi busted free from her self-limiting poverty mindset and achieved that which she once thought wan never possible! What you’ll learn: How to upgrade first time orders to $250+ with Essential Rewards! Poverty mindset, how to know if you are a victim (not always obvious) What to do when legs quit, even if they were SIZABLE and needed to hold rank Getting people

  • 17-12-4 James Niederland Mindset For Success

    06/12/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    Monday Night Call [Audio]: YL Diamond James Niederland On The MINDSET Of Success​​​​​​​ What is the key to a successful business? How hard you work or how you THINK? You may see people around you who are upranking prospecting magnets and you scratch your head because you're doing the same thing they are. Why does it seem like THEY win and YOU lose even though you may be out working them? Diamond James Niederland has been with Young Living A LONG TIME (1999 to be exact). James ALWAYS has a positive attitude no matter what is going on in his business. Being in business so long he has had fast and slow growing times in his business. He also has been through MANY growing pains as Young Living headed towards the billion dollar mark. Find out this Monday what keeps him going and achieving his goals. What you will learn on this webinar: 1. You're going to have feast & famine in your business, how not to QUIT during famine. 2. How to do a little and achieve a lot. (SAY WHAAAAT?) 3. What the core "How to" skil

  • 2017-11-28 Mollie Vacco YL Gold on Promotions to Pop Rank!

    28/11/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Monday Night Call: YL Gold Mollie Vacco on Promotions to Pop Rank! "Almost" to a new rank and not sure if you can make it? ​​​​​​​ Mollie Vacco messaged me October 26th that she wanted to run a promo by me that could push her to Gold. She had A LOT of volume to generate to pop rank, most would have said she couldn’t make it. She believed and she achieved. Mollie had no plans to build a Young Living business. Her account had gone inactive twice and she was asked to do a friend a favor and teach a class. Here she is today as a Young Living Gold helping people and their families! On this call: What you need to be thinking in order to POP into the next ranks. Types of promos you can run to get serious response from your team. Important business skills and knowledge that will help get YOU and your team in order. The trigger in Mollie which turned her into a fast growing business builder. Balancing home life and her growing YL business.

  • 17 - 11 - 20 YL Diamond Sarah Harnisch - Game Plan & Fearless Author AUDIO

    21/11/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Monday Night Call Audio version of the Webinar: YL Diamond Sarah Harnisch - Game Plan & Fearless Author! Sometimes it may seem too complicated to get your business off the ground. You talk to people, they say "no" or "I'll think about it" and you feel defeated. You feel like you need SIMPLE tools with a SIMPLE plan right? YL Diamond Sarah Harnisch has created powerful duplication tools to help you keep your business SIMPLE as you hit momentum. Sarah, her husband John, and her 5 children lived 36 years in poverty. They lived on food cards and worried their power should be cut off anytime even though they BOTH had awesome white collar jobs. Young Living was LITERALLY an answer to her prayers, she wanted to stop struggling in her own life so she could bless others. She is now able to guide and pour into eager and hungry people how to succeed. Her decision to get to the Diamond Ranks A.S.A.P. wasn't directly about the money. Sarah and her husband wanted to get out of survival mode because no matter how

  • 17 - 11 - 14 Jihan Thomas Diamond Living Fit Club Audio

    15/11/2017 Duración: 58min

    Monday Night Webinar [Audio Version]: YL Diamond Jihan Thomas on Achieving Total Wellness with LivingFit.club How many times have you tried to achieve your ideal weight and you START a program but never get the scale needle to budge? Or worse, maybe you drop weight but it comes back plus some! Achieving your ideal weight and energy levels is not a weight loss program, it's a lifestyle. When you are living balanced, your body finds the right weight with ease. YL Diamond Jihan Thomas has created LivingFit.club for YOU to guide you to your ideal weight based off of her 20 yrs experience helping people do so. No fads, just simple changes you can make to look and FEEL amazing without harsh, temporary methods. What you'll learn tonight: 1. Why it seems YOU struggle with weight-loss programs and cannot find maintain easily 2. How LivingFit.club can help support those around you find wellness! 3. Can LivingFit.club help fitness, finances, and emotional state OR is it only weight focused? 4. If it's a "safe zone" t

  • What You Need to DAILY to Build Your Young Living Business - Tom Challan

    31/10/2017 Duración: 42min

    Working hard with no growth or rank advancement this year so far? Every day there are 4 VERY specific things you should be doing with ONE focus in order to attract prospects that are eager to join your team and start sharing with others. There are so many tools and opinions right now that can either help or hinder the growth of your business. It can be confusing and overwhelming no matter what rank you are in YL. Tom Challan is heading up this Monday Call to help you and your team get on track to clarity and growth in the next 30 days! You have 2 months left to end 2017 with a bang. What you'll learn: The role tools play in your business - are they your system or support? 75% of your time needs to be doing this ONE thing or your business will STALL Why your team doesn't listen to you and they do the opposite (THEY DO WHAT YOU DO NOT WHAT YOU SAY The important things you should be doing each day of the week to stay focused in ACTION mode How to mobilize your team to get people to events and bring new peop

  • 17 - 10 - 23 Mentorship Kinne Kibler McFarland

    25/10/2017 Duración: 01h10min

    Monday Night CALL: Julie Kinne, Christina McFarland, and Melissa Kibler on MENTORING Ever feel lost as to which next steps you need to take in your business? Having someone to guide you when you can’t sponsor any of the 50 people you talk to or words of wisdom when one of your builders quit can keep you going during times you want to quit. Tom Hanks, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates had mentors to guide them when times were both good and tough. You probably wouldn’t know these names if they hadn’t been mentored by individuals on their path to success. On this Monday Julie Kinne, Christina McFarland, Melissa Kibler, and Jen Springer are going to talk about MENTORSHIP. What you’ll learn: Breaking through when people say “NO” or “I’ll think about it” … ALL THE TIME and you’re not sponsoring a soul. How to get momentum rolling so you’re personally sponsoring a person a day. Does attending events really help with growth or can all learning be done via technology? Tips and recommendations for getting names of pr

  • 17 - 10 - 16 Beth Whicker [Downline Whispering]

    17/10/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    MONDAY NIGHT CALL: Beth Whicker, YL Platinum on Downline Whispering You've sponsored some people, what next? A few have expressed interest in the business, others simply love the product. How often do you contact them? What's the best way to start a business builder so you don't mess them up? Many builders are AWESOME sponsorers, but they feel lost once someone joins their team. Beth Whicker - YL Platinum, Elevate Conference brain child, and author of "Downline Whispering: The Art of Knowing & Growing Your Team" is on THIS Monday Call 10/15. She quickly built her team to Platinum in 16 months and has created a group of 75 builders and growing that she feels as close to them as her own family. Join us for a fun and crazy good informative call! What we'll talk about: 1. How to reach out to your team without annoying them - balancing too much and too little. 2. Using REPORTS! Ack, sometimes you have to work the numbers to see what's happening but Beth has an easy way to do it. 3. What live events do fo

  • 17 - 10 - 9 Susan Richardson, Bobbi Decker, And Brooke Sexton [After Enrollment, NOW WHAT]

    17/10/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    MONDAY NIGHT CALL: Susan Richardson, Bobbi Decker, and Brooke Sexton After Enrollment, NOW WHAT? Is it easy for you to get people on Essential Rewards? Or, would you rather scrub toilets than ask for a monthly autoship order from your new enrollments? When a problem is posed, leaders will step up to solve it! Susan Richardson, Bobbi Decker, and Brooke Sexton have treated an incredibly effective tool used in their team to get people on Essential Rewards AT THE POINT OF ENROLLMENT! This Monday this Ohio based team are going to give you the down and dirty that will bump your ER rate by the end of the month if you IMPLEMENT. What you’ll learn: How to talk about ER at the point of enrollment so you don’t sound pushy or desperate. Essential Rewards is the backbone of stability in our business, what percentage of people you should expect to participate in the program. Even when ALL GOES WRONG during a presentation, how to save it so your time wasn’t totally wasted. (Not that messing up a class ev

  • 17 - 10 - 2 Jordan Schrandt [Royal Crown Diamond]

    17/10/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Monday Night CALL: Royal Crown Diamond Jordan Schrandt How on earth is it possible to go Royal Crown in 5 years? How can one person start a movement and mobilize a team to reach the top in what was deemed “impossible” just a few years ago? This Monday Jordan Schrandt, YL Royal Crown Diamond will be on the call. She was a struggling stay at home mom that felt any day her life would drown her. She was introduced to Young Living and became unstoppable to help families and be a catalyst for change. Jordan created a movement of moms that has lead her to great success, however more importantly her team has new high ranking leaders every month. Every month more families are set free to live the lives they were called to. What you’ll learn: How you can talk to people about the benefits of Young Living without the fear you’re going to say the something NON-compliant. Empowering women & moms to learn the ropes then fly on their own, teaching others to do the same. Getting people on your team to do the business.

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